What are your top ten game series?
1. Thief2. Fallout3. Bioshock4. Mass Effect5. Fifa6. Final Fantasy7. NHL8. Dragon Age9. Street Fighter10. Streets of Rage:DNote: Thief and Fallout are equally measured!
1. Final Fantasy 1-10 (11-14 suck)2. Resident Evil3. Elder Scrolls4. Grand Theft Auto5. Silent Hill6. Bioshock7. Uncharted8. Gran Turismo9. Call of Duty10. Ratchet and Clank
The Legend of ZeldaDiabloMetal Gear SolidBattlefieldUnchartedMarioMario KartDonkey Kong CountryBaten KaitosMetroidHonorable mentions: Timesplitters, God of War, Tales of, Paper Mario, and more.
1. prince of persia first 3 games2. jack and daxter3.sly cooper4.rachet and clank5. fallout6. splinter cell7.metal gear solid8.gta9.burnout10.ninga gaiden
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