Obviously there are some games out there that are extremely high profile, and just flat out leave some other games in the dust. I know a few that are either given complete crap for absolutely no reason, or are just great games, obscured by the higher profile mainstream titles. Or both. One I can mention is Nier. I was thinking of a decent RPG I could buy, and remembered Brad Simons from 4PP saying that it was an excellent game, and that it given so much crap for no reason whatsoever. I am inclined to agree. I haven't gotten very far, but enough to say that the game has an excellent soundtrack, has great voice acting, a nice story, and its fun. I hear it is bashed primarily for its dated visuals, and yes while they look a bit dated, the game is beautiful in its own way.
I'd like to know a detailed description (to avoid a lock) of what you think is highly underrated in your opinion. Because I have a feeling there are some excellent games out there that have fallen under the radar due to either lack of advertising, are overshadowed, or is bashed with low ratings by "professionals" when you and maybe a few others think its great. This could also be a chance for some people who don't know said games to maybe try them out, considering that by now these games are pretty cheap.
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