The beta for Star Wars: Battlefront kicked off this week and will be going strong until October 12th. It's currently free and open to everyone across Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Have you gotten into the beta? What do you think of it so far?
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In all honesty, I like it. It really reminds me of how the original Battlefronts were/are. I like how it's focused on episodes 4 through 7 instead of going with all 6/7 movies movies. Even though the Clone Troopers look amazing. It actually makes me want to buy it, but sadly it comes out a week later than Tomb Raider and Fallout 4 so it may have to wait to get my lovings.
It's awesome I've never been a big Battlefield or Battlefront fan and I've generally gone off shooters after the cash cow that is COD but I'm loving this. The visuals are awesome but what really blew me away was the sound, the sound design is superb and really makes you feel part of the universe. I'm loving the random dog fights you can have on the hoth map then going back into FPS seamlessly. My main gripe about it is the fact that the imperials are so overpowered, I've played it a bit and everytime I'm the rebels I do grown a little. Server issues today were annoying but thats to be expected with a beta, if it was full game I'd be going mental.
I think if i could play the game i would love it! Using PC, and can't get past the "Start Game" scree. Played it on a friends PC, and the game realy surprised me. The fact that, i didn't get tired of respawning ever 20 seconds was a miracle. You keep wanting to play, play and play! Battlefront is a great remake, of the original series. It keep's wanting you to stop the rebels, or destroy the rebels for the Emprie! Just hope i get the chance to play the game, on my own PC :)
As expected I'm not a fan, but I have yet to find a multiplayer shooter I've enjoyed, so I wasn't expecting to like this one much.
However there is a certain satisfaction from throwing a grenade in Darth Vader's face, killing him. That was pretty cool.
I hate how I can't enter vehicles like the original Battlefronts was. ( It was like Battlefield) Now it is a crappy power-up What year is it 1998?
Watched a few Youtube and streams of it. It looks like nothing new. The same old FPS games we have seen for the past 10+ years, just with Star Wars. The same tired old modes. I am going to pass on this until the GOTY edition for dirt cheap. And this is coming from a Star Wars fan.
It's pretty good from what I've played so far. The drop pod game mode is alright, and the walker assault is pretty enjoyable, but certain aspects of it, especially the air vehicle controls, really agitate me, since I often get shot out of nowhere and have no idea what I'm doing only to die just as I get my bearings
So after a few hours, my initial impression of Casual Cluster **** didn't change. The Drop pod game mode spawn points are either too far away or in front of several enemies, this is something older CoD games suffered from which ruined the MP there. The other map, its insanely one sided and again, random spawn points make for little to no tactics. Yeah it looks good, got the sounds right but its just a mess of a game. Were getting pushed back, I know we'll spawn your entire team NO WHERE NEAR the object but we'll stick every single vehicle and gun now owned by the other team between you.
Bad game based on what I've seen so far - yes yes, its a beta, buts its due out soon. Other map modes are going to have to be a lot better. can't see me buying it.
Nostalgia aside.
I'm really enjoying it. For whatever reason, I don't really enjoy military shooters all that much (though Battlefield and Bad Company are my favorites) so Sci-Fi shooters have always been more fun to me for instance I got way more into the Killzone and Resistance multiplayer games than I ever did into a Call of Duty or Battlefield. I love Star Wars so I see myself playing this one quite a bit.
I personally think that it's good. Not great. The graphics are amazing, the game play is pretty good, some of the controls are a little clunky maybe the vehicle controls are a little funky, but it's alright. Some things definitely do bother me. It is a beta so I should'nt be going to in depth but idk somethings bother me. I feel the hoth map is too small, I liked how in BF2 how big the hoth map is and how much more room there is to actually a bigger battle. I also feel that vehicles as a power up, wasn't the best idea personally. It would've been cool to see the speeders launch out of the hangers and go take on the at-ats. I also (even though it's a beta) are not enough weapons. I'm not going to goi toodepth with that, I just feel there should be secondary weapons and and other types of blasters. I also miss the class options for Star Wars. I like the idea of customizing your soldier. But I miss how some people are engineers, some are heavy, some are snipers stuff like that. I also feel they could've made the ships controlls better, like having 2 analogs instead of 1. That's really it I feel, oh clone wars but I don't think that's going to happen
Iv'e been having a blast with it so far. I never played the other ones so I don't know of the "good old days". I don't even really like star wars that much but honestly... This game is fun. Very casual, chill out game that i don't really have to try in. Before I was thinking about giving it a pass but now I am going to buy it.
Needs more weapons and customization options. The rebels and imperials start with the same weapon for christ's sake.
It's Meh.
Having play the PC version, the visuals are great but the gameplay was pretty bad. It's too bad that the Battlefield makers aren't behind it because it would probably end up better.
Battlefield: Star Wars.
Yeah, I think this is where I'm at with it, too. When I first heard about it, I was all in. Then I played it and I was really enthusiastic. However, after spending a few hours with it I feel like I'm "done" with it already. I know the beta is limited, but even based on the full selection of what will be available at launch it feels too simplistic to hold my interest. I was about to pre-purchase it, but after spending several hours with the beta I feel "luke warm" on it now.
Its too much of a shooter. Not a star wars game. I like that its not first person by default. I wish they got rid of the iron sights mode altogether. I don't want a battle field game, i want a star wars game. The Hoth level is too big. It becomes a snipe fest with the OP sniper rifle. In a game where accuracy is random (spread not recoil) having a highly accurate near instakill weapon is broken.
All the guns are the same and bland. They sound the same, They look the same. They're just variations on ROF and damage. Lame is too gentle of a word. I understand you have an IP to deal with but surely you can do something to make it better, color the beams different, add splash, penetration, better sound effects...anything. Blasters on the AT-ST are weak and no splash, making them not too impressive to use.
Hoth is a CF. The rebels can't ever stop the AT-ATs. It should be more about clear objective taking and not just a race against the clock to find coordination with a couple dozen random strangers. You're asking a lot of people.
For a game where terrain navigation is important, its really hard on the drop zone map. I'm stuck on rocks, trying to jump over things all the time. A little help for navigating obstacles would be a HUGE help. Be more forgiving on letting people get over things or add a vault option. The jump jet is the only way to get to certain places without knowing the exact path to get there. That's pretty lame also. It slows the game down...again making me wonder what the overall vision for the gameplay was.
There's not enough variety in the game outside of being a sub par shooter. It wants to not be battlefield but in the process they made it a worse version of battlefield. It needs more jedi, more cool star-warsy stuff. It need AI grunts like whoa. It needs a dose of titanfall... Frequent power ups that make you feel like you're making a difference but also change up the pace from being a shooter. It needs more mobility to make it less of a tactical shooter since its hell bent on making accuracy randomized (which I'm fine with, just make the game build on dog fights and mobility instead of GI joe style fire fights).
The tldr; is, I'm very disappointed. It doesn't feel fun. I enjoyed shooting people on the drop zone map and got pretty good at it, but its not worth my money since there are better mp shooters out there. Everything I was stoked about gets overshadowed by the blah-ness of the base gameplay.. My preoder money has been forfeit.
It's a BETA though... You are not going to get everything you want. At least not now.
Needs more weapons and customization options. The rebels and imperials start with the same weapon for christ's sake.
@TheDarkWolf86: Its a month away. It's more of a promotional demo than a "beta." If they were going to have more options than this then they would have done a better job communicating that.
Game at it's core is a fun game controls decently even if I don't agree with most of their design choices. But it's so shallow and has almost zero teamwork in place. On pc it looks fantastic but I'm sick of good looking shallow experiences that cost me $140 for a full game (DLC or season pass bullshit) that I'll occasionally if even come back to play after a year. There just isn't enough content and replay ability with this to even consider it as a purchase. If it was more structured in content like the previous games I'd be down but as it stands it isn't worth it for me.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Get real, and get over yourself. You didn't enjoy it... Ok, so don't buy it. But don't sit here and try to tell others what to like and buy.
I'm getting it. Does that make you angry?
My impression is that it's Battlefield lite with a Star Wars skin. Fun but not something I'm going to spend money on since I've already gotten bored with the beta unless in a year or so I can pick up a complete edition with the dlc for $20 or so.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Well you convinced me to pre-order the game.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Get real, and get over yourself. You didn't enjoy it... Ok, so don't buy it. But don't sit here and try to tell others what to like and buy.
I'm getting it. Does that make you angry?
Yes it does. You are damaging an industry you enjoy. What did I expect from the gamespot forums? There is no way to combat your level of delusion
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Well you convinced me to pre-order the game.
You are lowering the common denominator of game quality by supporting this game with your wallet. Be snarky with me as much as you want, but you are putting nails in the coffin of this business. You'll learn one day. I believe in you.
Can you humor me and tell me why you think this is a smart buying decision?
Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's fun? Your criticisms scream from laziness and inactivity. Play the game for more than five minutes and see what it has to offer. The more you play, the better you'll get at it.
Can you name me any other current gen console game that offers the same level of a large battlefield scope besides Battlefield 4?
The beta just scratches the surface of what the game will have.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Well you convinced me to pre-order the game.
You are lowering the common denominator of game quality by supporting this game with your wallet. Be snarky with me as much as you want, but you are putting nails in the coffin of this business. You'll learn one day. I believe in you.
People like you are ridiculous. I know what I like and what I don't like and I buy what I like. The day that I let other people dictate what I should or should not buy is the day that I stop gaming. Here's a clue for you; it's not going to happen, ever.
I'm getting it. Does that make you angry?
Yes it does.
Can you humor me and tell me why you think this is a smart buying decision?
Why does someone has to explain to you what they want to buy? Come on dude, if you don't like it that's your business! Nobody is bothering you about your opinion.
I thought is was ok, nothing new, but it was fun and the graphics where nice. I thought It really captured the essence of the Star Wars movies! It's not Battlefield with StarWars paint on it as I've heard some people say.
I won't buy it on Day1 but it will be a future purchase.
Can you humor me and tell me why you think this is a smart buying decision?
Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's fun? Your criticisms scream from laziness and inactivity. Play the game for more than five minutes and see what it has to offer. The more you play, the better you'll get at it.
Can you name me any other current gen console game that offers the same level of a large battlefield scope besides Battlefield 4?
The beta just scratches the surface of what the game will have.
Come on, man. You're really this optimistic about weapon/item selection? You're really happy with the gunplay? This game is overwhelmingly bland- on top of the awful balancing problems. Star Wars fans are probably crying, and Battlefield fans have another game to be disappointed in. The same scope as battlefield 4? Battlefield 4 took 10 months of fixes and patches to become playable. Who cares about scope if the game doesn't work. What makes you think Battlefront 3 will be good? There are a myriad of issues and the game is going gold next week. It comes out in a month. This was not a beta test. This was advertising.
I'm getting it. Does that make you angry?
Yes it does.
Can you humor me and tell me why you think this is a smart buying decision?
Why does someone has to explain to you what they want to buy? Come on dude, if you don't like it that's your business! Nobody is bothering you about your opinion.
You can buy whatever you want. But I don't understand how people can't see through the EA/DICE bullshit running rampant through this game. A 50 dollar season pass was just announced. Great. Even more content excluded from the game. We are spending money on games that are unfinished, and below the quality we deserve.
This game sucks. Its crappy Battlefield with crappy star wars gimmicks. Luke and Darth vader shouldnt even be in the game. It's completely game breaking, and needless star wars pandering. The hit detection is so-so, the entire game balancing is broken... there is too much to even talk about. The spawn killing, horrible vehicle implementation... Do not buy this.
If you enjoyed this beta, you are lowering the level of quality that gamers deserve. Raise your expectations.
Well you convinced me to pre-order the game.
You are lowering the common denominator of game quality by supporting this game with your wallet. Be snarky with me as much as you want, but you are putting nails in the coffin of this business. You'll learn one day. I believe in you.
People like you are ridiculous. I know what I like and what I don't like and I buy what I like. The day that I let other people dictate what I should or should not buy is the day that I stop gaming. Here's a clue for you; it's not going to happen, ever.
Here's a secret: The gaming industry is telling you what you like; they have been your whole life. If you really enjoy this game, then great. Go for it. But think about the sheep who are going to buy this because of A: Advertising, and B: Nostalgia for the franchise. Also, a $50 dollar season pass was just announced. Just makes me think this will be yet another game where content has been left out on purpose.
Can you humor me and tell me why you think this is a smart buying decision?
Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's fun? Your criticisms scream from laziness and inactivity. Play the game for more than five minutes and see what it has to offer. The more you play, the better you'll get at it.
Can you name me any other current gen console game that offers the same level of a large battlefield scope besides Battlefield 4?
The beta just scratches the surface of what the game will have.
Come on, man. You're really this optimistic about weapon/item selection? You're really happy with the gunplay? This game is overwhelmingly bland- on top of the awful balancing problems. Star Wars fans are probably crying, and Battlefield fans have another game to be disappointed in. The same scope as battlefield 4? Battlefield 4 took 10 months of fixes and patches to become playable. Who cares about scope if the game doesn't work. What makes you think Battlefront 3 will be good? There are a myriad of issues and the game is going gold next week. It comes out in a month. This was not a beta test. This was advertising.
I still don't quite understand what you have against the game? You mentioned the gunplay. I have Destiny for that. I don't have any problem with the laser rifles in the game.
I'm not much of an online shooter fan, but I can't think of any current gen game that will offer a larger scale field of battle with as much diversity. If you know of something better, I'm all ears.
Are you a Call of Duty fan btw?
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