If you take being called a troll as a personal attack...then take it as a personal attack. I don't really care. I don't know your personally. Nor would I care to. Apparently years on the internet have made some (you) soft and easily offended by the simplest of comments. I'm glad I proved your point. You are superior and a bigger person than I because of it. Congratulations. And yes... I know what trolling is on the internet. The mere fact that you keep coming back to this specific thread to comment on what I say is proving my point..... over and over and over and OVER again. Let us continue this pointless conversation over how you believe that the Star Wars BETA should have given you more... *which is what this entire thread was about* Regardless of the way you think this as being a "promotional demo" it was labeled as a BETA to test the servers and give everyone an opportunity to play before its release. AND before you go into another rant about me not knowing anything about this or that... I am very aware of how the gaming industry has moved away from how they should treat their consumers and now focus on a way for developers to get more money for very little effort. Anything else you want to keep pointing out regarding trolling? It is getting kind of annoying and this conversation has moved completely away from the original topic.
It started because of your comments in response to mine;
"Its the fact that they didn't include any peripherals at all that is alarming. And, again, both sides start with the same weapon... I mean jesus christ, that is just silly." (I talked about weapons and maps)
"Wow, your line of reasoning is devastating. Beautifully conceived, beautifully articulated" (please see definition of trolling)
"tldr: Too Long Didn't Read (again another attempt by you to elicit a response)
Definition of Troll: Make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.
I responded to a comment you made about this being a promotional demo; which it is not. You decided to take it this way. I decided to elicit a response from you. It worked. You caught me. Think about that next time you decide to comment in a gaming thread and someone doesn't agree with you. It happens. Apparently you haven't learned the art of communication. Who knows?
@fenrirspack said:
@TheDarkWolf86 said:
See... if you only used constructive mannerisms from the start... this conversation would have gone a completely different way. I knew you were capable of having an adult conversation without attacking someone personally. "I'm simply pointing out that the beta served multiple purposes. One of them was obviously to drum up hype and publicity for the game, just the way a demo would." You see, that was simple enough. If you truly think that this was a personal attack towards you, you need to reevaluate your time online.
@fenrirspack said:
@TheDarkWolf86 said:
@fenrirspack I appreciate it. As I appreciate your belief in high level corporate conspiracies. That astounds me. Really. It does. I maintain my demeanor and respectfully say, keep trolling...
@fenrirspack said:
Wow, your line of reasoning is devastating. Beautifully conceived, beautifully articulated.
Why are we talking about corporate conspiracies? Lol, I 'appreciate' how your mind goes straight to that idea, I really do. But back to reality: there is nothing secretive or malevolent about what EA is doing. It's funny how you're trying to suggest that there would be some big shadowy thing happening and we all need to wake up and realize we've been played a fool. But that's just false. I'm simply pointing out that the beta served multiple purposes. One of them was obviously to drum up hype and publicity for the game, just the way a demo would. If you want to straw man my argument by saying that I'm suggesting that there is a corporate conspiracy, lol, well that just demonstrates that either you don't know what the word 'conspiracy' means or that you are deliberately misrepresenting what I'm saying. And you're not doing it in the interest of having meaningful discussion. You're doing it to offend me personally. Which, coincidentally, makes you a troll.
tldr: keep trolling
You just proved my point, as I knew you would. You just can't help but bait and belittle. Calling someone a troll is a personal attack. It's an insult just like calling someone a bullshitter or an asshole. You want me to reevaluate my time online? I mean damn man, you've been on here for like 6 years and you still don't even know what trolling is on the internet.
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