Lots of Rocket League lol
The Evil Within - Replaying it after having SOMA bring back interest in horror-themed games
Far Cry 4 - Replaying it simply because I've enjoyed it before.
The Witcher 3 - Currently starting my first NG+
Pillars of Eternity - Still on my first playthrough
Minecraft - Yeah... it's minecraft. Resonant Rise Mainline modpack, 269 active mods, woohoo ;)
Tales from Boarderlands. First tell tale game I played. It's the only one that appealed. It's good but I would prefer if you only played one character, I get confused when Rhys and Fiona are standing together and a Choice comes up and I don't know which one is making the decision. I play Rhys as a kind, good guy who gets his hero on and Fiona as a sassy bitch who steals everything she can.
I've been working on several games lately trying to get some of them finished before the new games come out. Past 2 weeks I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag(trying to 100% completion, currently at 80%), AC: Unity(85%), Mad Max(70%), Destiny: The Taken King, Halo: MCC(trying to beat the Halo 4 story before Halo 5 comes out next Tuesday), and The Elder Scrolls Online with a buddy who has the game, all while squeezing in episodes of Gotham & The Blacklist, and managing a Fantasy Football team. It's a good thing I have 5 screens in my game room. lol
None at the moment, my Birthday was Wednesday and I went to get me a few games with the $ I got, but my daughter talked me into buying her one of those new Nintendo 3DS'. So, yeah, Happy Birthday Rob lol
I did get GTA V about a week ago, I've yet to play it, I may start it up. Or just wait until November 10th
Picked up all 3 of the Bloodrayne games on the PSN sale, think I'm about 2/3 of the way through the first one, it's definitely rough, but I'm enjoying it.
Kinda wish we could get Bayonetta more or less reskinned into it now though
Playing the new tales game called "Tales of Zeristria" on my PS3. While on my android phone, I'm playing a new mobile board game called "Game of Dice". Despite being a board game, it's surprisingly addicting due to its added RPG elements such as skill cards and character stats. Not sure how long I'll play it but I'm really enjoying it right now. :)
Halo MCC. I was playing halo 2 anniversary on it but I can't get by a level cause it always freezes and kicks me out. So now I'm playing odst on it. Getting hyped for halo 5.
Currently Playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Finally getting a chance to try it out. I like it so far, although it takes some getting used to after putting so many hours into Skyrim first.
Playing Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Destiny, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and will soon try out God of War: Ascension.
I actually just finished Yoshi's Island on SNES for the first time. It's both wonderfully fun, and painfully frustrating at the same time.
Mostly eve online. Had a crack at Fallout 4 for a bit as well as Metal gear but the former couldn't hold me and I thought the MGS5 was the worst I'd played in the series so I deleted it rather fast. So ya Eve online has been about all I've been playing lately.
This weekend is calling for more Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation and the Street Fighter V Beta.
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