So this is the "BATTLE" (No pun intended) of the month , Which game do you prefer ?!
1) Battlefield 2 : Bad Company
2) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
So Far
Battlefield 2 : 0
Modern Warfare 2 : 1
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So this is the "BATTLE" (No pun intended) of the month , Which game do you prefer ?!
1) Battlefield 2 : Bad Company
2) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
So Far
Battlefield 2 : 0
Modern Warfare 2 : 1
Let me refer you to :
MW2 is one the worst games I've ever seen, made by one of the worst companys around.
Should I prefer any? They're both awesome. But anyway, if I have to pick only one, I'd go with Battlefield, I haven't played so good game since long time (while CoD MW2 doesn't offer much new).CrimsaderI agree. It did not offer much new when I played, and I found it boring compared to the original MW.
No, it's not the worst game by the worst company. Infinity Ward are great, Activision sucks. And the game doesn't suck. It's a damn fine game whether you personally don't like it or not. With that said, my vote goes to Battlefield Bad Company 2. I like and enjoy both games, but I just like the feel of Bad Company 2 more. There are many reasons but that's my choice.Let me refer you to :
MW2 is one the worst games I've ever seen, made by one of the worst companys around.
Both games are awesome. But I like Modern Warfare 2 a little better simply cause I'm able to jump into online battles without problems.
It's a pain to find a game on Bad Company 2 (PC) ... :(
^^ Why feels sorry for me? For what? Because I like games?
Reread the sentence.
I feel sorry for people like you. who blindly like crappy companies like Ifininty Ward.
Edit: Just so you guys know I'm not trying to Troll or Flame. I'm being serrious. I really do feel sorry.
Who said I liked them? But I acknowledge that they make great games. What's wrong with commending a developer for their talent? I'm blind? Don't think so, man. I'm not biased.[QUOTE="morrowindnic"][QUOTE="ASK_Story"]
^^ Why feels sorry for me? For what? Because I like games?
Reread the sentence.
I feel sorry for people like you. who blindly like crappy companies like Ifininty Ward.
Edit: Just so you guys know I'm not trying to Troll or Flame. I'm being serrious. I really do feel sorry.
Who said I liked them? But I acknowledge that they make great games. What's wrong with commending a developer for their talent? I'm blind? Don't think so, man. I'm not biased.You said so right here:
"Infinity Ward are great,"
worst company ever and worst game ever because they pissed off the pc gamers? Please, you can might as well add gta iv and assasin creed 2 too just because they pissed off the pc gamers, a sure blow to the pc gamers but not to the rest of the gaming community. So not the worst game ever and not the worst company ever.Let me refer you to :
MW2 is one the worst games I've ever seen, made by one of the worst companys around.
I've played Modern Warfare 2 for a while (got to level 46), and while I was greatly enjoying it, I felt like it wasn't quite made for my style of play. It's twitchy, real fast-paced, and I couldn't really adapt to that. Battlefield Bad Company 2, on the other hand, feels a bit more loose, and while that could be seen as a bad thing by some gamers, it's precisely what I like so much about it. It's not so much about quick reflexes than thinking ahead and adapting to your environment, and that's why it gets my vote for the multiplayer part.
Modern Warfare 2's single-player campaign was arguably stronger than BFBC2's from a gameplay standpoint, but it took itself way too seriously. The No Russian level felt tacked on and relied on a cheap shock factor without contributing anything to the story (which was already such a cluster**** anyway). So even though BFBC2's campaign was less varied than MW2's, it still gets my vote, because it tells a focused story with fun characters and a good sense of humor, to boot.
I enjoyed my time with Modern Warfare 2, but I'm glad I sold it for Bad Company 2. It simply is an overall better game for me.
I'll get back to you on this one. As of yet, I just played COD MW2 for the first time this weekend and it's just alright so far. It looks goood on maxed settings/res. but I don't like Steam. Not with this game anyway. When it comes to fps I want to choose the server and map I play on and I want to do it on dedicated severs. This jumping around to find a server is enough to want to pull my nut hairs out! Some of the maps are much cooler looking than others like one in particular but it only came up once in about 6 hrs. of play. Well that just sucks all! Going to buy BF Bad Co.2 this coming weekend.
Still don't get why these games are compared all the time. They are not even of the same genre I'd say.
BC2 is a tactical, strongly team-based shooter with vehicles. Ideal for people who enjoy big scale battles that are decided by teamwork.
MW2 is focused more on the single players. Teamwork plays a smaller role than individual skill. It's a game for players who enjoy fast shoot-outs and proving their skills against other players.
I personally prefer BC2 because I'm a good teamplayer and I like beeing a teamplayer. But I also play MW2 frequently because sometimes it urges me too show off that one-man-army inside of me (by the way: I mostly play FFA in MW2, especially since I have BC2).
I can't say i really love bc2. The maps suck. You get all the guns to quick. Not enough gamemodes. Pretty much everygame is like the same.
But mw2 is one of the worst online fps i have played. Had some good ideas just was horribly done.
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