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Metroid II: The Return of Samus - it's an endless, impossible-to-navigate-in maze full of metroids...boring!
Thief (III): Deadly Shadows - It got consolised; better graphics, worse controls, tiny areas, crap between-mission segments, uninspired missions (aside from The Cradle), less equipment and less freedom.
Escape from Monkey Island - I don't even consider it to be a Monkey Island game. I've only played through it about one and a half times, which is (at least) 10 times less than the amount of times I've played through the rest of the series.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - This almost doesn't even qualify as an RPG. The games just keep geting smaller and simpler, and Oblivion is the best (worst) example of this.
Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link - This was much worse than either Wind Waker or Twilight Princess, from what I'd played.Â
[QUOTE="snakeofsolid"]MGS:PO, got rid of my one super favorite aspect of lone man, on an epic its a squad on little scattered missions...weak.SemiMaster
Is the story weak though?
the story is decent, not the best but the fact that ur not a one man army in one giant area really detracts from my expierence for metal gear.Â
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - This almost doesn't even qualify as an RPG. The games just keep geting smaller and simpler, and Oblivion is the best (worst) example of this.
Almost doesn't qualify? Have you lost your mind? doesn't qualify at all!Â
Thief 3, or Thief: Deadly Shadows as it's titled.
Still a good game, but compared to the previous two... it just didn't live up to them. Smaller more linear levels are my biggest and main complaints. Still, coulda been much, much worse. Overall I still enjoyed Thief 3, they got the mythos and story right plus there were a few memorable levels like The Cradle. Good game, just not as good. If they'd ditched the cross platform idea and focused on just the PC where its fanbase was, it could have been great!
Quake 4 :( :( The weakest in the entire series. It was a massive letdown for me with its super-linear gameplaysomeone6669
yes it shouldve been better than that, but i hate quake 2 as well for ditching the dark, disturbing atmosphere of quake 1, THAT SHOULDVE STAYED, none of this strogg macho bs. Ogres and Shamblers 4 life.Â
Another vote for Twilight Princess and FFX-2. FFXII deserves mention because it was (for me anyway) basically a big, long grindfest and in my opinion abandoned the things that made previous Final Fantasy games special -- great characters (only Ashe and Balthier are interesting in 12 and the villians sucked, especially compared to past FF villians), interesting story (FF12's story had potential but it wasn't very well-told), cool atmosphere (other FF games made me feel like I was in that world, but FF12 never made me forget I was looking at a video game), and great music to go with it (which FF12 didn't have). FFXII isn't in the same league as X-2 when it comes to suck though.
TP was the only Zelda game I ever walked away from. Every other major Zelda release grabbed me from start to finish and wouldn't let go.
Another vote for Twilight Princess and FFX-2. FFXII deserves mention because it was (for me anyway) basically a big, long grindfest and in my opinion abandoned the things that made previous Final Fantasy games special -- great characters (only Ashe and Balthier are interesting in 12 and the villians sucked, especially compared to past FF villians), interesting story (FF12's story had potential but it wasn't very well-told), cool atmosphere (other FF games made me feel like I was in that world, but FF12 never made me forget I was looking at a video game), and great music to go with it (which FF12 didn't have). FFXII isn't in the same league as X-2 when it comes to suck though.
TP was the only Zelda game I ever walked away from. Every other major Zelda release grabbed me from start to finish and wouldn't let go.
Here we go:
Rainbow Six: Lockdown
Quake 4
Halo 2
The ElderScrolls 4: Oblivion
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelan
Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
just to name a few
C&C Series: Tiberium Sun (not Tiberium Wars, the one that just came out)
DOOM series: Final DOOM (Just so dreadfully boring)
[QUOTE="homegirl2180"][QUOTE="dchan01"][QUOTE="homegirl2180"]Zelda II, it's not an offshoot or spin-off of the series, it's considered to be an installment in the series and it is by far my least favorite. Compared to other games of its time it was not so bad, but it personally stained my favorite series.dchan01
Believe it or not Zelda II is by far my favorite game in the Zelda series. The game is actually a challenge and a pretty good adventure/RPG hybrid. Plus, that downward slash is just too satisfying. (BWOOOOMP) - downward slash sound effect
Eh, to each his own. I beat it only for the series' sake (the Legend of Zelda Collector's Disc). I will say it was more difficult than other games in the series (though I might have had more trouble with the original Legend of Zelda if I remember correctly), but it just, I don't know, the soul felt lost. I really just didn't enjoy it much. It just wasn't Zelda to me.
Just out of curiosity, if that's your favorite, I shudder to think of what is your least favorite in the series, but I'll ask anyway. What's your least favorite in the Legend of Zelda series?
Hmm tough call. I've played The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, some of Wind Waker, and haven't started Twilight Princess yet. The original was great and gets tons of innovation points. I really like the GB/GBC Link's Awakening. There is something very charming about that one. Link to the Past was a great "return-to-form". Ocarina gets a nod for not butchering yet another franchise with a piss poor 3D "interpretation." From the little I played of Wind Waker, it seemed to have a lot of charm. I haven't played TP enough to judge. I guess I would say Majora's Mask was my least favorite even though I by no means felt it was a bad game.
Yeah, Link's Awakening just had this about it that was truly great. Might be my second favorite in the series. Anyway, I guess my second least-favorite Zelda might be Majora's Mask, though it's really close between it and Wind Waker. That is unless you include the Flagship titles, of which then Minish Cap would be my second least-favorite Zelda. I don't know what it was, but that one is also a low point for Zelda, IMO. It was developed by Flagship, so it's not really fair to include it in the main series. Phantom Hourglass however is being developed by Nintando, so we'll see how that works out. Personally, I've found it mildly impressive, but it just doesn't feel like it'll be anything spectacular. If you listed the Zeldas in quality, it feels like it's going to land somewhere in the middle of the low part of the list. In other words, I'm a slight worried; how do you feel about it?
Xenosaga Episode 2 -Â Exactly what in the name of crap were they thinking with that combat system? It must have had something to do with a stroke.
Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer - The campaign was fun for the first few missions, but literally became impossible at the end. Bear in mind, Flashpoint is a game which places emphasis on realism. You know what one mission actually had you do? You had to barge into a massive Russian base with your T-72, but this base is also protected by several squads worth of anti tank defense, lots of other T-72s, a couple of T-80s, and two Hinds to go with it all. Not to mention an impenetrible minefield and a couple of randomly spaced snipers to prevent sneak ins. Worse, this is a *rescue* mission, you have to get a VIP out of the base *alive*. Even with god mode on, the mission was unwinable. As if this all wasn't enough, you then had to attack ANOTHER similarly defended base which this time, had SU-25s covering it as well! And you had to keep the VIP alive!
That was just ONE of the agonizingly difficult missions in Red Hammer.
tiberian sun
I'm honestly curious. How can the Elder Scrolls be one of your favorite series, when you believe Morrowind to be the worst game in it? Oblivion's understandable. Arena's what I'd expect most people to reply with. But Morrowind? wftmaet
Xenosaga Episode 2 -Â Exactly what in the name of crap were they thinking with that combat system? It must have had something to do with a stroke.
I've played a lot of RPGs, and that was the worst battle system ever!
[QUOTE="CaptHawkeye"]Xenosaga Episode 2 -Â Exactly what in the name of crap were they thinking with that combat system? It must have had something to do with a stroke.
I've played a lot of RPGs, and that was the worst battle system ever!
What made it really stupid was that Episode 1's combat system was fine. It's not like it really needed to have anything done to it. A little more simplicity would have been nice. But noooo, they've got to wank out Xenosaga's already working combat system and replace it with a totally messed up concept that bases itself entirely upon what my stress threshold is. I've got news for you MS, when i'm playing a video game, it isn't very wide.
Oh well, at least Monolith Soft finally pulled its head out of its ass and gave us the ingenious Episode 3.
My favorite series only has 2 games, and both were superb (Jet Set Radio) for different reasons. I guess if I had to choose, JSRF was a hair worse than the original.VampyronightI never played the first although I ended the second and loved it favorite series is the Xeno games (Xenogears and Xenosaga both). And I actually enjoyed all four Xeno games, including the much-maligned Episode Two. But if I had to pick one as my least favorite, it would probably be Episode One...just because it was more of a prologue to set things up than actually advancing the storyline any. (lmao, and I know absolutely NO ONE is going to agree with me. But it's okay. :))
As for other series I love...can't pick between the two Guitar Heros. Escape from Monkey Island was bad, King's Quest 8 was terrible. FFX is my least favorite Final Fantasy...and last but not least, Lament of Innocence. I've been terrified to try any of the other 3D Castlevanias since playing that game.
~-~Hm, I can't think of a Castlevania game that's let me down yet. There was that one on the Double Pack that I didn't like but that's cuz I was expecting what I got in AoS. If I went back I'd probably love it but unfortunately I sold it.:( Selling a Castlevania game, that's one mistake I'll never make again.:cry:~-~ ~-~*looks up* Woa woa, who the hell said Morrowind? Dang someone's on some crazy pills.~-~ ~-~Edit: Of course, I know not to even try the 3D Castlevanias.>.> Maybe if I run out I'll give them a shot but I still have a few I need to get. Quite a few actually.:D~-~The_PirateKing
Ever played the 3d ones on N64 and PS2? Well, lament of Innocence was decent, but the rest were total duds.
Majora's Mask. I like the game, but the 3 day system didn't fit a LOZ game. Also, the save system sucked. proudeskimo
Majora's Mask is a bit of a tough cookie, it is undenyably a masterpiece (the sidequests are pure genious, there is no way you can argue against that), but at the same time it has huge flaws that kill what would otherwise be nigh on perfect. If the game let you reload from savepoints multiple times, pause time in certain sections and didn't force you to repeat so many things over and over again in order to solve its puzzles (the Kafei Anju quests is unfortunately the worst example of this, which is why the ranch quest is my absolute favorite) then it would most likely be recognised for the great advancement it is.
But when it comes to "jumping the shark" I unfortunately have to agree that TP is the game that just doesn't 'get it'.
TP isn't technically bad, it has all the staple elements of the series..but nothing more, and that is its downfall. Every new feature the game tries to impliment end up being horribly shallow, horse to useless, wolf form...a bunch of abilities which Link could already do in past games in human form, twiligh realm...a series of linear fetch quests, the spinner, flail, rod and duel clawshot...all one shot items with one specific purpose where it's obvious when and where to use them and no other use that isn't completely obvious.
 AoL kicked arse though. Most balanced magic system in any game ever. :)Â
tiberian sun
I'm honestly curious. How can the Elder Scrolls be one of your favorite series, when you believe Morrowind to be the worst game in it? Oblivion's understandable. Arena's what I'd expect most people to reply with. But Morrowind? wftmaet
no no no i relly think morrowind is worst than oblivion i don't see why people say that oblivion is worst
i wished i had a better pc to run oblivion at the highest without the slowdown
My favorite series is the Legend of Zelda series and the worst game in that series in my opinion is the second Legend of Zelda game for the NES. I just couldn't make myself like that game no matter how much I tried.xxxxxn
It's my favorite series too, and I adore Zelda 2. If we aren't counting CD-i games, then there are no bad Zelda games -- but Four Sword Adventures would qualify as the worst, IMO.
Zelda 2 - Adventure of Link.
 Loved Zelda 1 and every other Zelda - the Adventure of Link was awful IMO.
Xenosaga II - I bought it when it first came out as I liked episode I but boy do I wish I hadn't
FF X-2 - just overall disappointingÂ
oh yeah...that game was terrible...the multiplayer was great though. the first unreal was awesome.Unreal 2:The Awakening
I love the UT series with all my heart, but what were they thinking when they released a Single-player only game of it?
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