My god everyone is going to think im trolling for this but Final Fantasy 7 is first game that comes to mind.
While i'll agree it was shit compared to the other ones, i thought DMC 2 was alright. Fun enough to play through it at least.
I'll believe you dont like it but why exactly was it the worst game?
@amillionhp: Probably because im usually pretty safe about what games i play. I dont really play bad games. Most of the ones i play and dont like just arent my kinda games, but im a big rpg guy and this is the only one i can think of I played and didnt enjoy at all. I know theres worse games but i havent played them.
Oh see now this is why people think you're trolling. I asked why you thought it was the worst game and you didnt really answer that question.
@tratyu92: looks at the games listed in this thread, mass effect Andromeda doesnt belong in this thread.
It's disappointing somewhat, because it could and should have been better.
However the worst game you played ?
For some reason, right now the cool thing to do is hate on MEA, when really its not a bad game. It will pass and in a month or so there will be threads about how the game wasnt really that bad and all the hate was over blown.
sacred 3 on the xbox 360 for sure. Boring as ****, terrible unfunny writing, generic ass character design and just bad gameplay
I played several games which I couldn't even remember their names. The worst game I've played recently should go to No Man's Sky. Yeah, worst!!!!
For me, I would say GTA 5 because its really not a good influence to many young adults nowadays. Even kids are playing this and I must say there are part of the game that needs parental guidance. As I was playing it, it seems like most of the people in Los Santos are awful people and women are being shallow and sidelined and are being degraded. Its like a liberated world and women are being mistreated and misjudged by others living a worst scenario that many adolescents would likely to adapt the behavior especially the male groups who are usually playing the game.
Bible adventures on the NES.
My buddy was a Pastor's kid, so he had this "gem" in his collection.
iirc, part of the game was carrying baby Moses past the Egyptians to safety, but me and my buddy spent most of the time finding various ways to chuck him in the water and then laugh.
God then reached down and set his NES on fire, and we never played after that.
Not a popular opinion, but COD Infinite Warfare.
I'm not a multiplayer guy at ll, and the single player took one of my favorite FPS franshices and tried to throw it in a blender with my other favorite (Halo). It failed, and failed hard for me. I love the MW series, and Black Ops was pretty good. I'm glad I didn't waste the money on IW, and just played it at my brothers house over a holiday weekend.
I'm old enough to fondly forget games like ET and Superman 64. Honestly, ET isn't that terrible in the realm of 2600 games. It's failing was being attached to the ET movie, and having nothing to do with it at all. Superman 64 is just shite.
@nophix: You're right that E.T. isn't the worst game on the 2600, but it was the biggest selling disappointment at that time by a large shot!!! It was hyped by Atari to no end so expectations were high and it sucked bad, which is why it's remembered as the worst game.
Evolve, I was really looking forward to it, and it was such a let down! The game only kept my interest for about 4 hours.
Game companies need to make games like they used to... I want games with campaigns, and not such a heavy focus on Multiplayer!! You know.. like the good old days..
It's probably some NES or PS1 game that I don't remember.
But what I do remember, I'd throw out Jak 2. So many problems with that game. Only thing I took away from it was that I won't waste my time if I'm not enjoying the game ever again. Won't wait for it to get better or see how I feel by the end; if I'm not enjoying it in the first couple hours I'm done.
I doubt it is actually the worst game ever, but one that really stands out as being lousy is the Dragonball Z game for GBA. It was short, had terrible graphics as though the developer put barely any effort into designing any of the graphics, and it felt like mostly a quick cash-in on a popular franchise. I expected it going in, but I don't think I'd expected it to be as bad as it was.
But it gets even worse. Shortly after that they made a DBZ game based off of the trading card game. Same sort of deal, but what's even worse is that the DBZ trading card game isn't really that good, and the video game version of it was arguably crappier.
@markbrown: The controls mostly. They are stiff and unresponsive. Also, the AI starts to automatically block any move you use more than twice, and character move-sets aren't that extensive in the first game.
I guess the more recent Mortal Kombats have spoiled me.
Most games mentioned here are masterpieces compared to "Country Justice: Revenge of the Rednecks" (on PC), it's the crappiest piece of crap ever made.
Oh, this one's easy. NBA Live 08 for the Wii. Me and my brother naively bought a wii thinking the sports games would be fantastic - wii sports was - but the nba game was the most tragic thing I've ever played. Not only were the motion controls actual dogshit that didnt feel anything like playing basketball, there were so many awful bugs and just straight up things that shouldn't happen. For instance, you could consistently hit layups from the three point line. LAYUPS, for christ's sake.
Also lmao at someone listing snake eater... I understand not liking the mechanics of the game, but seriously, the second you start it up and get the theme song on the main title screen immediately makes it not the worst game ever.
The Atari port of Impossible Mission. I spent so much time trying to beat that game as a kid. I was in my late twenties when I found out that the port was impossible to beat since the Atari controller had only one button, and the programmers mapped two functions to the one button, so it would only activate the computer instead of the cabinet below it.
This would have been my answer until tonight, when I decided to play Watch Dogs again. Watch Dogs is a game that took a great idea, and made it trash. It's the Justice League movie of games.
GT64 is right up there for me.
In lieu of Gran Turismo on the N64 I really hoped this was going to be its equivalent so couldn't wait to get it home.
I plugged it in and was greeted by awful graphics, really awful sound and REALLY awful handling, I tried to find something in it but no, it was just bad.
One to be avoided.
I only play good games because I have friends preventing me from the really bad ones! Just kidding! :P Remembering the worst games is hard. I guess lately on mobile. There are tons of crappy games there! Uninstalling instantly!
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