The Final Fantasy series and to an extent, the Tales series have a very fun battle system.
In America, or maybe the whole Western world, the term RPG is synonymous with the table top games that people play like Dungeons and Dragons. This deals with actually acting out a role and 'fashioning' their own story, or something like that.
The "JRPG" games are about raising stats; levels are important. They're just like any other game like Zelda, or Devil May Cry. You don't 'choose' your path or whatever, you're experiencing someone else's story.
I don't know why linearity all of a sudden became a problem, but I for one loved Eternal Sonata. And I enjoyed Final Fantasy 10. You had 9 previous FF games where you can travel the world, so going on a set linear path is welcome for me.
However, my problem stems with the fact that... the stories aren't original. The games reflect Japan's culture, which I am not a fan of. If a game utilizes stat gains, is not a shooter, is not obsessed with being open world, and has great voice acting to boot, then I'm game. This combines aspects from WRPG's and JRPG's. Oh and no level scaling :x
Similar to the term "video games", maybe these labels need a change? I don't know.
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