(dont post here if you do like cod please, i dont want any arguements here, Thanks)
For me, it was playing battlefield bad company and seeing how much more realistsic and better it was. hbu?
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(dont post here if you do like cod please, i dont want any arguements here, Thanks)
For me, it was playing battlefield bad company and seeing how much more realistsic and better it was. hbu?
nothing, still play itt, its fun arcade shooter game, that i can just go and and play, thats the purpose of games for fun, realism is nice but at the end of the day, your still playing a videogame no matter how real it is. Though if people like battlefield better i respect that, but i hate when people bash and act like call of duty was made by Satan himself, you know?
thats the beauty of gamespot, i can comment on any thread i please, thank youread my OP, it says if you still like it dont post, thank you
1. Too much of the same. I played COD 4 to death and by the time MW 2 came out it just felt old. There weren't enough meaningful changes to keep things new. I was hoping they'd add destuctible environments and things like that, but they still have yet to go in that direction.
2.The series feels like it's becoming more and more arcade and less military shooter. COD 4 is still one of my favorite games of all time because it mixed the arcade and military shooter styles almost perfect to me. The levels also felt anlike real battlefields than more recent entries.
The repetitiveness, how it is basically the same game every year, how they add all these maps just a few at a time for a ridiculous price so I end up paying over $100 for a complete game. Too easy to wipe out the entire other team, too many ways for new players to get easy kills, too many killstreaks that are dumb
i'm not really trying to defend anything but the killstreak complaint is a very silly one especially when you can play all your games without killstreaks if you just play hardcore mode.The repetitiveness, how it is basically the same game every year, how they add all these maps just a few at a time for a ridiculous price so I end up paying over $100 for a complete game. Too easy to wipe out the entire other team, too many ways for new players to get easy kills, too many killstreaks that are dumb
[QUOTE="SouL-Tak3R"]i'm not really trying to defend anything but the killstreak complaint is a very silly one especially when you can play all your games without killstreaks if you just play hardcore mode.The repetitiveness, how it is basically the same game every year, how they add all these maps just a few at a time for a ridiculous price so I end up paying over $100 for a complete game. Too easy to wipe out the entire other team, too many ways for new players to get easy kills, too many killstreaks that are dumb
I can and did. But it isn't that fun to one shot everything. Many of the killstreaks are cool and great, but many just got ridiculous.
I don't like multiplayer that much, but I thought MW had a great singleplayer experience, though I thought it was a little cheap at times on Veteran (every enemy in the game only focusses on you while you're with an entire squad. I remember sometimes my squad would just run forward closing in to almost melee distance and still every enemy only shot at me. Those moments were kinda lame). But I liked it enough to warrant purchase for that alone.
But MW2 was just exactly the same. I usually don't like games being exactly the same. It should be allot better, longer or whatever. So, I was never interested in it. Haven't been interested in any COD game since actually. I don't think they ever topped MW single player.
I'm an avid F.P.S enthusiast.. But the C.O.D franchises have never intrested me really, so to be honest I've never likes em.. Enjoy the 'Bad Company' titles though
IMO, The BlOps single player is the best one to date, but Any other part of the game is boring ol' dung. Even zombies... Only after i put hours into the latest zombie map though.I don't like multiplayer that much, but I thought MW had a great singleplayer experience, though I thought it was a little cheap at times on Veteran (every enemy in the game only focusses on you while you're with an entire squad. I remember sometimes my squad would just run forward closing in to almost melee distance and still every enemy only shot at me. Those moments were kinda lame). But I liked it enough to warrant purchase for that alone.
But MW2 was just exactly the same. I usually don't like games being exactly the same. It should be allot better, longer or whatever. So, I was never interested in it. Haven't been interested in any COD game since actually. I don't think they ever topped MW single player.
I've always liked CoD's over the edge, crazy cinematic set pieces and run & gun stylesque gameplay in the SP so I'll probably be renting or borrowing MW3 for the campaign but MP's cheap style of gameplay eventually just started pissing me off. Still like pure and wager matches though on Black Ops.
well, I started off with mw2, and I was pretty enthusiastic with it for a while. Then it just started going down and down as the gameplay just got repetitive and I got sick of campers lying in a corner for the whole game and people that run around with knives... I prefer more tactical shooters, or at least games like Battlefield since it's more realistic. At least running around with knives doesn't get you anywhere in that game....RogueWarriorRPG
It's always hilariouswhen a fresh new face from CoD tries to run through your bullets and attempts to knife... only to fail every time :lol:
i guess certain people dont understand when i ask nicely to not post here if they still like cod, so stop posting if you do like it, thank you
Nothing, there may be a few games that arn't as good, but they provide a reasonable amount of playtime and they are fun to play with friends even then.
Its alright for a weekend blast, but never a full dedication like most people. The story was fine: Cliched, stupid, pretends to be dark and serious....but at least it makes a slight attempt to tell a story. I suppose I agree it was the repetitiveness that bored me, you can slap as many titles and numbers for kill streaks, but they all end up the same.
But really Treyach hit the entire series so hard. Playing WaW and BO just literally gave me a headache: Poor optimization (Sorry, PC gamer.), poor gameplay, laughable story, almost abysmal technical design.
But hey, who am I kidding. I'm an English Literature student who is a fanatical and avid tactical shooter fan (ARMA II, SWAT 4 and Rainbow Six 3 all the waaaaaaaaaaay)
I will admit that I really enjoyed Call of Duty 4, but after that it just turned into a money grabber and the games didn't seem to evolve at all over the next few releases. Call of Duty has just become boring to me and just feels generic, in my opinion the Call of Duty series has become to the most overrated franchise of this generation and now people will just buy the games because it has Call of Duty written on the box.
1. Too much of the same. I played COD 4 to death and by the time MW 2 came out it just felt old. There weren't enough meaningful changes to keep things new. I was hoping they'd add destuctible environments and things like that, but they still have yet to go in that direction.
2.The series feels like it's becoming more and more arcade and less military shooter. COD 4 is still one of my favorite games of all time because it mixed the arcade and military shooter styles almost perfect to me. The levels also felt anlike real battlefields than more recent entries.
this pretty much...i loved cod1 and uo...cod2 had me goin for a long time...then cod4 came out and i was into it heavy...loved that game played it to death and back pretty much...and then all the innovation stopped...the graphics get slightly better with each game...thats about it...other than makin the mp worse with each game...im sorry but cod4 was THE BEST cod...period...
Modern Warfare 2. It was an underwhelming cash grab.
Modern Warfare 2 for me as well, though not because of the cash grab (if that were the case I'd never play ANY sequel from an Activision series), but because of the imbalance of it. The killstreaks are totally ri-donk-ulous and some of the perks are completely broken (commando pro, for instance). Not to mention the fact that sniper rifles are bonkers.
I actually think Black Ops has vastly superior multiplayer. There's still a few things you can exploit, but the balance is MUCH better. I'm tired of the series as a whole now, however.
Too many games, and I don't really like the gameplay style. Seems like it tries too hard to be realistic, when in reality it's not. Just a boring shooter imo... However, the older COD games are fun. The newer games aren't really...
i guess certain people dont understand when i ask nicely to not post here if they still like cod, so stop posting if you do like it, thank you
No they do, its just that they dont care if you dont want them to post, they want to defend the game they enjoy.
When I played MW2 it was filled with bugs, camping, and a irksome community.
Not to mention that BF games do FPS better in every way.
Treyarch, they made me stop playing CoD. I absolutely loathe World at War and Black Ops and I'm sure as hell not going to try Modern Warfare 3, they just lack that thunder and magic Infinity Ward gave to Call of Duty.koospetoorsTreyarch has nothing to do with MW3, except the Wii version
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