We talking tech or gameplay? Or both?
I want to say Hardspace: Shipbreaker. On the surface it is pretty simple, you're just a space salvager welding and cutting and salvaging spaceships, but it is so much more than that. It's a reverse puzzle game. You start with the whole puzzle already made, and then you take it apart. Simple, right? But in your quest to take apart this puzzle, you have to be wary of active fuel lines...there's explosive decompression to worry about. You have to remove the reactor as it's the most expensive piece, but once you do it goes active and will explode unless you salvage it immediately. There's components that are smelted and components that are recycled and you have to separate them out.
Even the score component is unique, as you're not actively trying to accrue wealth, but instead trying to erase debt; and because you work for a ruthless corp, they keep finding ways to keep you a debt slave; it's a depressing but satirical and funny look at the future and yeah I know the score mechanic is a gimmick but it's fun nonetheless.
There is literally no game like it that I have played. I think that makes it inherently ahead of its time as it is a pioneer.
@nate_the_not_great_but_okay said:
I'm going to throw something controversial into the mix: Genesis: Alpha One.
Oohoo, this is a surprise suggestion. I like. I honestly felt like I was the only person to play this game.
I do think it is pretty ahead of the curve as far as gameplay goes, it's like a first-person Dungeon Keeper in space kind of.
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