My first gaming addiction would probably be LoZ: OoT or Pokemon Red. LoZ: MM & FFVIII would also be on the same level. I'd say the were about as addictive as caffeine lovers addiction to coffee in the morning. Then there was Pokemon Gold, which would be somewhere between caffeine & tobacco addiction.
...Then there was WoW. Played it since released & the longest I've been sober was from early this year until now. I'm about to get back into it because I've been having withdrawals afters reading up on Cataclysm for the past couple of months. I won't say the substance because it's probably censored, but yeah, it's that addictive to me.
Of course, I'm not addicted to any substance, whether it be caffeine, tabacoo or something more extreme, so I wouldn't really know what I'm talking about.
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