The answer is on Wikipedia under the "legacy" section. All of the things that make Half-Life the worst playable game of all-time are the reason it's considered "acclaimed", inincluding the complete lack of anything interesting happening for apparently 90% of the game due to the fact that no dialogue can occur because the character doesn't talk (and in a game where "story" is constantly pushed on you rather then being in a game where story is irrelevant such as Mario or Doom), stuff that doesn't reappear and health replenishment "stations" that don't even restore your health, platform-jumping requirements IN A FPS GAME WHERE YOU CANT EVEN SEE WHERR THE FEET ARE, and having no particular levels so that you're just constantly either walking around even more bored then is expected because there is nowhere else to go in the game (or needing a walkthrough literally every 5 minutes) as well as having no sense of when the annoying first 90% of the game (apparently) will finally end, and having tucked up human enemies who follow you around in a non-predictable way and shit so that you can't use any strategy to kill the worst ones.
Even worse then that, it completely changed all future games so that you can never again have a decent FPS like Doom or Duke Nukem but that isn't so important of course since it's just FPS, but all of the other descriptions given on Wikipedia and other places of what makes the game "acclaimed" have been shoved into other games as well, most importantly once again the lack of levels, making your game more boring when it might have in some cases been a significantly better game otherwise, you know if you didn't have to spend 12 minutes grinding or walking across an ugly hallway several times in the game.
Lastly, it's an even worse effect in a way... Having hundreds of military-based games released an advertised as though they could possibly ever be a '"good idea", ever since. The Wikipedia article lists a ton of games that, if you were a legitimate garner then or a legitimate geek now, that you'll absolutely hate the existence of just because people will constantly pretend they are legitimate while playing these "stereotypical douchebag" games like Call of Duty, and the fact that for nearly a decade they appeared to release almost nothing else.
All because of the worst technically kind-of playable game you've ever played, Half-Life.
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