What's the most overrated game in your opinion?

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#1 VandnaJadhav
Member since 2024 • 38 Posts

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this—what's one game that you think is super overrated? You know, the kind everyone talks about, but when you played it, you just didn't get the hype. What game didn't live up to the buzz for you?

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#2  Edited By Litchie
Member since 2003 • 36197 Posts

I find some popular games overrated, but most are just stuff I don't feel like playing.

Minecraft. It's not bad or overrated, but I don't really enjoy it.
Counter-Strike, same as above.
Lost Ark. Found it to be a terrible game in almost every way.
Fortnite. Feels like a half-assed game with a digital store attached.
Apex Legends. Same as above.

Most overrated though? All of the other "bad but popular games with digital stores attached" aside, maybe Destiny series. Incredibly shallow experience, and of course, with a digital store attached. Its popularity is quite a mystery to me. Before release I was interested in seeing what the devs of Halo would be doing after they said they wanted to make something different than Halo. When I noticed their plan was to make Halo again, except really boring and with a digital store attached, I was not amused.

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#3 dracula_16
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Mirror's Edge. I didn't like it at all. It had some of the the worst combat I've ever seen. I know that it's primarily not a shooter, but still, it was terrible. I don't get why so many people liked it. It's a mystery.

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#4 GirlUSoCrazy
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Pokemon Go, and probably a lot of other Pokemon games.

Mario Odyssey... There are nice things about it but it was not their best work. A lot of people claim this is one of the top Mario games, but I'd disagree.

They have yet to overcome camera issues, some of the aestheic choices they made just look bad (Cascade, Wooded, Metro kingdoms look like they don't fit in a Mario game, a lot more effort could have been done to stylize this), borrowing a Kirby mechanic for most of the game to posess enemies which led to set pieces that lacked Mario gameplay and not many real power-ups for Mario to use, and speaking of power ups Mario never turns small in the "classic" sections so the game is missing some details that make it true to past games.

It feels like a mashup instead of a Mario game and it has some things that take you out of the experience. There is a lot of fan service in a game that doesn't nail Mario qualities.

I understand others may not care about these things but my expectations were not met and what was there was only OK to me. And that in itself was disappointing because this was the game I bought the Switch for. I knew a lot of the Switch content was just going to be Wii U games which I already had, but I will buy a piece of hardware for that one amazing game (and then enjoy the rest of the library as a bonus). I figured Mario Odyssey would be that, but it wasn't.

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#5  Edited By RSM-HQ
Member since 2009 • 12322 Posts

Plenty of popular games I don't like after playing them. However the term overrated is overrated.

Those that think any game is overrated without a good breakdown of its gameplay being mediocre or bad are lazy attention seekers, trying to knock something down usually to praise another game they actually do play.

More than not comes across as old farts dislike something for existing, and because it's different from the games they do play they're afraid of change_

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#6 DaVillain  Moderator
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For me and this is my opinion, Elden Ring is most definitely overrated game I have ever seen since Breath of the Wild. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, and a well made game for that matter, it's just not groundbreaking game to me that is. If a gamer never plays a Soul's game genre before, of course that gamer would find it to be amazing, but most Souls veterans I assume would be or already have burned themselves out by the open-world approach and still prefer the linear/reginal structure from the original games. Hell, even Miyazaki himself said he couldn't believe Elden Ring was this well received as it should be. He knew it would be good, but didn't know ER would be this damn good than he thought. This tells me we have so many new gamers that just likes ER is my assumption.

Even I'll go ahead and say it again, Breath of the Wild is so damn overrated as well and this is coming from a fan who happens to enjoy Legend of Zelda games...mainly I still have mad respects to Ocarina of Time. I've never seen so out of sync with the rest of the gaming industry critics and fans on a game before when it came out. Jim Sterling at the time got it right with Breath of the Wild.

And finally, The Last of Us is also overrated. I like the games, but they weren't anything good other than being very grounded Dystopian world and the only aspect I like from that game is the Cordyceps Fungus that has evolved to take control of Humans. Again, I do like the games, but I cannot believe its being milked this hard. Naughty Dogs has truly forgot how to make new games.

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#7  Edited By WitIsWisdom
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This year its definitely Helldivers 2, of all time however probably something made by Rockstar.

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#8 SOedipus
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The Witcher 3

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#9  Edited By judaspete
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@RSM-HQ: I have to agree with you here. Overrated is and overrated term. That said, I want to participate in this discussion anyway :)

To me, it's a one-two punch of GTA and Assassin's Creed. Together they pushed this trend of "everything must be an open-world sandbox". Almost every genre was hit with this philosophy. AC especially for padding things out with busywork, and using it as a template for everything Ubisoft does. They traded the the tightly crafted, intentionally designed levels of PoP and Splinter Cell, for a bunch of bloat. Bigger and longer, is not always better...

... That's what she said.

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#10  Edited By RSM-HQ
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@judaspete: Do agree the whole "every game is better as openworld" is generally cringe, and time has only shown that to be the case.

Generally agree with your stance on well crafted level design and dense mechanics focused around those maps. Over bloat for the sake of scope. However I do think they cater to differing players. Saints Row enthusiasts are not jumping to play Ninja Gaiden Black.

So on that have little against Assassins Creed and Grand Theft Auto as game series. They're not trying to be anything other than what they are. From the perspective of using openworld design they both achieve great atmosphere and world-building, with a lot of dumb small things to do and find. From an overall gameplay perspective it's no different from The Wither III; jack of all trades/ master of none. Unless one only plays these games I don't think anyone thinks GTA, TW3, or AC have good gameplay. They just love exploring and roaming the world. It's a matter of preference.

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#11 outworld222
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OOT. For goodness sakes I don’t see what people see in that Zelda.

I should’ve played it upon release, however.

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#12 Sam3231
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When it comes to this site, the 8 Destiny 2 got was a real shocker to me. One of the worst games I have ever played.

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#13 pyro1245
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Typically when a game gets a lot of praise there is a good reason for it.

Except for that Uncharted-era Naughty Dog rubbish. It was just a "omg games is movies too?" fever dream.

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#14 Nirgal
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It's hard to say overrated because people like what they like. Gaming is subjective.

But in my opinion the persona series is not as fun as people make it out to be. Most activities you do with your friends are just too mundane and the turn based combat isn't really that interesting either. It's just about finding the weakness "pokemon style" which gets boring fast.

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#15 DarkCatalyst
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Oh geez, I've got a long history (on this very board, no less) of levelling the "overrated" label on plenty of games. Too many to single any one out at this point.

  • Pretty much anything that's ever been given a 10 (There are games that deserve 10s, just not these games.)
  • 3D Mario in general
  • F-Zero X (Actually most of Nintendo's N64 adaptations of classic franchises.)
  • Any celebrated JRPGs that skimp on/go too simple with the battle system, Suikoden II chief among them (Combat should be good.)
  • Any celebrated JRPGs that lean too heavily on micromanagement or have overly time-consuming systems (I should spend most of the game in combat - actually fighting, not drawing spells...)
  • Any celebrated game that makes deep foundational changes from its predecessors in an effort to appeal to new audiences (I am probably the original "they changed it, now it sucks" guy, which I embrace wholeheartedly.)
  • The Tales series (Again, the combat. Never helps that when I detail my issues with it, no one has been able to answer my questions that could, in all honesty, bring me around.)

I could go on but it's late and I'm tired. LOL

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#16  Edited By RSM-HQ
Member since 2009 • 12322 Posts
@pyro1245 said:

Typically when a game gets a lot of praise there is a good reason for it.

Except for that Uncharted-era Naughty Dog rubbish. It was just a "omg games is movies too?" fever dream.

I think every sane person can agree the forced slow RP walk in any game is horrible.

Recall Game Spot did articles that "bosses in games are outdated" because Naughty Dog PR said they don't like doing bosses. And many in the GS community ate it up seeing as Naughty Dog had a general cult following. The Last of Us & Uncharted fans at the time heavily known for being toxic as hell. Even now you can find one or two sneaking around..

I don't think the first two Uncharted are bad for what they are. Generally PlayStations answer to Gears of War. Decent multiplayer modes in U2 as well. Most certainly flawed games though. U3 more so for many reasons. TLoU has many the issues Uncharted have but it's more gritty and generally everyone loves the story so look-over its gameplay shortcomings.

Never played U4 or TLoU2 at all because frankly done with Naughty Dog games (and putting up with the fandom) but from what I hear TLoU2 is a mixed mess; gameplay is apparently pretty good compared to TLoU1 but that's not saying much honestly. & they ditched multiplayer which seems incredibly stupid. Imagine Gears without Horde Mode or Resident Evil without Mercenaries? . . ND is clearly too busy remaking The Last of Us for the third time.

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#18 deactivated-67413c4dcb898
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@WitIsWisdom said:

This year its definitely Helldivers 2, of all time however probably something made by Rockstar.

I might agree with you. I had the original Helldivers back on... I think PS4? Maybe PS3. For the time, it was kind of an original, somewhat fun experience. I wasn't a big fan, but I saw some potential there.

When I saw there was a second one, and it's got 3rd-person graphics, I was intrigued. Also seemed pretty popular. So, I gave in and bought it.

And I realized pretty quickly, it's just not my thing.

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#19 paydayheister
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The Last of Us

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#20 brimmul777
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GTA series.

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#21 Alexander2cents
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GTA games-I get so bored so quick with them

Uncharted-They arent special

Every Dark Souls ripoff

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#22 Alexander2cents
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@RSM-HQ: i think anyone who complains about linearity in their games for open worlds ought to have their nads lopped off

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#24 Realmjumper
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Fortnite just didn't get into this one very much, although I did enjoy the team battle mode for pvp. Didn't try the zombies mode that you have to pay for but would like to. Also Apex Legends. It's a great game but it's full of aim botters so that's no fun.

Counsterstrike 2.0. Maps are just too simple game is just too simple for my taste. It gets tedious doing the same bomb defusal map over and over. I wish people would play other modes.