My favorite are platformers, stratedgy, RPGs, and Thrid Person Shooters.
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Shooters (shmups, FPS, 3rd-person action games), Platformers, and "Vehicles" (which would include arcade, kart and simulation racers, along with car combat games).
The occasional sports game, music-centered title, strategy or role-playing game thrown in sometimes for even more variety.
Edit: I also like fighting games and beat-em-ups.
Edit 2: Basically my least favorite genres would be rpg, rts, and sports.
i like racing and fighting games. btw what does uncharted and infamous fall under?
I believe action-adventure.
Action adventures like Enslaved, Heavenly Sword, Mirrors Edge and the upcoming Alice: Madness Returns.
The problem is with that type of game is that they tend to be shorter then other genres, but they are a roller coaster ride of pure game and a chance for developers to show off their imagination and push the current generation consoles to the limit.
2D platformers (SMB, DKCR, etc.), role-playing games (Fallout, VtMB, etc.) and action-adventure (Metroid, Zelda, etc.).
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