I've never played a PC FPS, but it seems like if you can use a mouse, it'd be easier. I know I had a hard time when I started playing FPS's on my 360 with aiming with the two analog sticks.
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I've never played a PC FPS, but it seems like if you can use a mouse, it'd be easier. I know I had a hard time when I started playing FPS's on my 360 with aiming with the two analog sticks.
Developers balance out the mouse/controller thing by having auto-aim on the consoles and giving PC FPS games more fast-paced action (or, at least, bits that require you to accurately shoot enemies above/below you, etc.).
I don't think you can really judge difficulty by the controller.
Console FPS require more skill.
Lol, ya right, console FPS require less skill, the controls are just harder.
guaranteed a console player would get smoked in CoD4 or unreal if they were to play agaisnt even a mediocre pc player.
I would say that Controlerwise it is likely the consoles that have the hardest games, there just is not getting around it, on a console (even with tweaked controles) it takes time to turn and then aim at anything, on a pc it takes something like a 10th of a second to turn geat a beat on thier head and pull hte trigger.
Gameplaywise I think the PC overall has the hardest FPS games (not multiplats they are kind of the same). But honestly games like SoC will eat you up and sh*t you out if you as much as make 1 dumb mistake. Even Crysis (or worse yet Far Cry) can be pretty hard at times.
I have playied alot of console FPS in my time ^^ (Golden eye was very good, and pretty hard for the time, as well as perfect dark).
but they strike me as somewhat easier, KZ2 was a good game, just not very hard, because they always supply you with a solution, unlike where in a PC game if you used up the ammo for a specific ammo for a weapon that was called for you are screwed).
It is not all PC FPS games that are hard tho, the Quake series, reminds me a bit of the Halo series diff wise. not really that hard, just pull the trigger and have fun ^^
Overall I think that it is more to do with modern FPS games just not being hard at all (console or pc) because there is a huge audience that gets turned off by the prospect of losing to a game (recharging health gimmick anyone?)
You're going to get a wide array of answers, since everyone has their own preference and some are quite touchy about it. I know that I definitely prefer PC; the mouse is much easier to start using, and I have my mouse settings down to a science. Also, you can whip the mouse to whatever you point in an instant, while if you have to 180 on the analog stick you have to wait longer while it turns around in most cases. Just my opinions though, of course :P
um ya i agree with alot that has been said becaus its true its preference and well hmm.... physics 4 1 doest lie let do an expariment play cod4 on pc k then play cod4 on xbox but max out the contoler sensativaty witch is harder to control you can 180 in the same amount of time but whos gonna get the head shot... easy way to find out havent they already cross platformd like 5 games???
Not sure exactly what you mean by harder, but controllers are harder for me to use.
I used to love Halo2 on my xbox. I tried to play with my cousin who is addicted to Halo3, aiming with my thumb with an analog stick is too imprecise/sluggish and turning around takes forever. Playing on 10 sensitivity and bumper jumper like her doesn't help.
I perfer mouse and keyboard. It wouldn't be fair for the two to compete.
Console FPS require more skill.
Lol, ya right, console FPS require less skill, the controls are just harder.
guaranteed a console player would get smoked in CoD4 or unreal if they were to play agaisnt even a mediocre pc player.
Obviously, just like how a PC player will get smoked on a console online. It really comes down to what you've been playing longer PC's or consoles.Pc, because everything has to that much more precised. My friend who has CoD 4 played CoD 5 on my Pc and said it was so much tougher.
Console FPS require more skill.
Lol, ya right, console FPS require less skill, the controls are just harder.
guaranteed a console player would get smoked in CoD4 or unreal if they were to play agaisnt even a mediocre pc player.
Obviously, just like how a PC player will get smoked on a console online. It really comes down to what you've been playing longer PC's or consoles. No. While my first FPS was Doom/Wolf3D, I was just using the keyboard to play those. My next FPS was Goldeneye and I was a console FPS player all throughout the last generation. About a year ago, I made an effort to try to learn KB/M. Now I don't really like playing FPS with a controller. So my six years of learning to play with a controller were quickly outclassed by just 6 months of kb/m. If we could pit two reasonably skilled players from PC/consoles into one game, took away auto-aim/aim assist for the controller player, and put them in a new map neither had ever experienced, the kb/m player would utterly crush the player using the controller. Once a person is comfortable with both control schemes, I'd say the vast majority of the time he/she will prefer using the kb/m. There are a few occasions were I like to relax with a gamepad...but it's getting rarer.PC.
There's the reflex-based shooters like Quake and Unreal where you WILL get owned unless you're very experienced. And then there's the ultra-realistic style shooters like ARMA and STALKER where you will get owned if you don't think the right strategy and learn the gun mechanics etc.
Console FPS is filled with auto-aim and the controller limits your abilities.
well online, console would win simply because ive played on a pc online and it tends to lag. But i guess it depends on your preference of controls.
no way the consoles online lags way more, just because you had a bad ping doesn't mean all pc games have really bad lag..also consoles have a input lag(so do comps but its so tiny you cant notice) now don't get wrong but console fps are made with auto aim and made to be easier due to lacking controls.well online, console would win simply because ive played on a pc online and it tends to lag. But i guess it depends on your preference of controls.
just trust me though in online fight the pc would win hands down but it doesnt really matter because no one is going to make a game for that
It depends on which you grew up playing. I have a couple of friends who grew up playing PC fps and only in the past couple of years have started playing console FPS. They struggle and can't stop whining about how they miss their mouse and keyboard. Conversely, I grew up playing console shooters (Doom on console, Turok, Goldeneye, etc) and despite all the hoo-hah about mouse and keyboard, I'm finding it to be a real challenge/adjustment. I freely admit wishing at times that I were playing Crysis on a controller.Paladin_Kingkeep at it and you will adjust and see the difference :)
Its like a Manual Car (PC)as opposed to an Automatic (Console). Manual is harder to get used to, but once you get comfortable, you have more control over the experience, and are rewarded for the effort, and ultimately gain more skill.
i reckon that pc is easier to aim with the mouse, console is harder purely because of the fact that you have to try and aim witht the analog sticks, i find this difficult.
I tried playing CoD5 on 360 a while ago and the autoaim is so damn noticeable, I always thought it would be more subtle but there were several times where it just moved my aim right over to an enemy.Developers balance out the mouse/controller thing by having auto-aim on the consoles and giving PC FPS games more fast-paced action (or, at least, bits that require you to accurately shoot enemies above/below you, etc.).
I don't think you can really judge difficulty by the controller.
There's the reflex-based shooters like Quake and Unreal where you WILL get owned unless you're very experienced. And then there's the ultra-realistic style shooters like ARMA and STALKER where you will get owned if you don't think the right strategy and learn the gun mechanics etc.
Console FPS is filled with auto-aim and the controller limits your abilities.
Yep. Best way to put.
I've never played a PC FPS, but it seems like if you can use a mouse, it'd be easier. I know I had a hard time when I started playing FPS's on my 360 with aiming with the two analog sticks.
I usually find the PC AI to be much more sophisticated than the console or multiplatform AI. The ebst AI I have seen for its time have been on FEAR and Far Cry, both PC games (although FEAR was ported over later). People can say that the mouse makes PC easier but the gamepad games usually have autoaim so whats really cheaper ?
It's much easier to play FPSs with the mouse, but I have to say I prefer the controller. But it's just because I like to kick back with my feet on the table...
I've never played a PC FPS, but it seems like if you can use a mouse, it'd be easier. I know I had a hard time when I started playing FPS's on my 360 with aiming with the two analog sticks.
Console FPS is harder to master simply because the controller is such a clumsy tool to play FPS with. Its like trying to aim a gun in real life while both arms tied to a 10kg weights each. You can do it, its harder to do it but it still makes no sense to do it compared to aiming it with both hands free.
You might think that PC FPS has it easier and they do, in some respects.
They are only easier for you to control your OWN character. If you think you can jump to a mouse + keyboard and start owning everyone, you'll be in for a very rough surprise.
Reason being, while mouse/keyboard combo is easier to use, the level of competitiveness also rises exponentially. The easier the control mechanism is, the higher the mastery lvl of the opponents that you are going to face. They are faster, they are deadlier and they are WAY harder to take down. You are going to need a lot of skill to take down a very experienced/skilled PC FPS gamer.
Those of you who have played Quake/Unreal Tournament series should know about this :)
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