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Tough call between Modern Warfare 2 and Advanced Warfare as they're pretty much tied for me. Those are closely followed by Ghosts and Black Ops 2.
I still play Black Ops 2. Every other game after that went trough an engine change i absolutely despise. The new games run weird. They slow down at times for no reason. Multiplayer maps attention to details is gone. They look so weird now. Empty quare rooms, just so lifeless. Black ops 2 maps are so full of little things, and the action flows nicely.
I dunno. They are trying to emulate Unreal now. It's kind of a good thing but the engine is so bad...
The very first one. Though I remember Medal of Honor Allied Assault even more fondly for some reason.
For multiplayer, Black Ops 2 is my favorite, with Ghosts following as my second.
For the campaign, I like Ghosts.
Sick to death of Call of Duty games.Same game year after year with very little difference in any of them.If Call of Duty was to be released every 2 to 3 years,I'd be a lot more hyped for the game.Same shit,different pile,different color,same old smell.
I guess most have forgotten that Call of Duty started off with three World War II themed based games before the advanced series. I still enjoy Call of Duty: Finest Hour.
My all time favorite Call of Duty campaign is World at War's campaign. The missions are just big shooting galleries and WWII was when weaponry really started to advance. In the Russian missions when you fight the Nazis, it's hard for me to not pick up a STG-44. Leave it to the Nazis to invent the first assault rifle. O_O
Other campaigns I enjoyed were the ones from Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 & 3, Black Ops 2, and Advanced Warfare. The Modern Warfare series of campaigns were fun because they had action packed missions (Takedown, Wolverines, The Hornet's Nest, and Exodus are my favorite MW2 missions) and interesting characters (RIP Roach, Ghost, Gaz, and Soap). Black Ops 2 introduced choosing your loadout, hitmarkers for when you land shots, and some futuristic combat. Advanced Warfare was plain old fun minus some parts where I kept dying because of QTEs. Plus there were some cool gadgets.
The first Black Ops campaign wasn't too great for me because of Mason and THE FUCKING NUMBERS. Although I liked the return of Reznov, even though he was imagined. I also liked the WW2 flashback missions, minus Dimitri Petrenko's death (RIP). He was the playable character in the Russian campaign in World at War.
As for multiplayer, this is where the first Black Ops does shine. I have over 70,000 kills and a KDR of just over 2.0. Call of Duty 4 is also awesome when you're not in a hacked lobby. Yesterday, I was getting destroyed in AW, getting more deaths than kills, and rarely getting two kills in a row. I then put in CoD 4 and got over 40 kills in two or three matches of TDM. In one match, I gunned down three or four guys with continuous fire from my RPD with a grip. I normally don't use LMGs in multiplayer because of their bulkiness, but in CoD 4, a RPD equipped with a grip is an assault rifle on steroids. Just fucking amazing. I used to like World at War's MP, but there's a hacker in every lobby and connection really sucks.
Modern Warfare and World at War. World at War was last COD that I enjoyed. Gave up on the series after Modern Warfare 3. Objectively, I think Call of Duty 2 is still best in the series.
Singelplayer = Call of Duty: Black Ops or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Multiplayer = Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Zombies: Call of Duty: Black Ops
That's a tough choice, they're all just so damn mediocre. That's like trying to decide when was your favorite time drying off with a damp towel was. I mean yeah I got dry eventually, sort of, but...bleh!
CoD 2 was, at the time, a fairly fun experience. But in the cosmic scheme of things, I think Brothers in Arms was better.
Call me crazy, but I liked Ghosts. Thought it had a good singleplayer. I don't play CoD for multiplayer so I don't know.
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