This question applies only to sega genesis-sega cd era. which game was better?
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sonic CD
Personally I think S3&K was better
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Im a huge Sonic fan (shows right?) but I dont understand why so many people consider Sonic CD one of the best or THE best clas-sic sonic game ever. The gameplay is actually slower than previous games because you have to goto each level's past to make it a good future by hitting a hidden machine or whatever it is.
You dont have to do this but if you want the true ending you do and thats very repetative imo. To answer the question, Sonic3/Knuckles, especially since you could lock-on with 2.
Im a huge Sonic fan (shows right?) but I dont understand why so many people consider Sonic CD one of the best or THE best clas-sic sonic game ever. The gameplay is actually slower than previous games because you have to goto each level's past to make it a good future by hitting a hidden machine or whatever it is.
You dont have to do this but if you want the true ending you do and thats very repetative imo. To answer the question, Sonic3/Knuckles, especially since you could lock-on with 2.
You could also get the true ending by playing the bonus stages and getting all seven Time Stones. Going with this method, you could play CD like the other Sonic games and not worry about going into the past.
Sonic CD
in almost every way, its the better game, the only thing S3&K is better, is the number of characters, but thats a minor gripe.
Actually, each character's gameplay style changes the difficulty. So it's like a difficulty select.
Sonic=Hard(due to the fact that he's basically stuck on the ground unlike knuckles and tails)
So, that's where your wrong my friend, depending on how you look at it
Sonic Two. It refined everything that was wrong in the first game, it introduced the two player mechanic, and elaborated on the originals visual style without hurting it--something which number 3 did.
Heirenn, I like Sonic as much as the next guy, but how did Sonic 3 and Knuckles hurt the Classic Sonic gameplay style? I thought it was just the same, just that tails could fly, knuckles could glide, there was the new miniboss idea, and the elemental shields. There's some more, but the only thing i didn't like sometimes was specifically two things: 1. Marble Garden Zone boss with sonic and tails. 2. Carnival Night Zone's weird platforms(ex: the infamous duck and stand barrel)
Heirenn, I like Sonic as much as the next guy, but how did Sonic 3 and Knuckles hurt the Classic Sonic gameplay style? I thought it was just the same, just that tails could fly, knuckles could glide, there was the new miniboss idea, and the elemental shields. There's some more, but the only thing i didn't like sometimes was specifically two things: 1. Marble Garden Zone boss with sonic and tails. 2. Carnival Night Zone's weird platforms(ex: the infamous duck and stand barrel)
I thought the only flaw in S3&K was the barrel of doom from Carnival Night Zone. Other then that the game was perfect. Plus it was longer and had more replay value because of Tails and Knuckles, the onlt time where I thought they were used the best way in any Sonic game.
Heirenn, I like Sonic as much as the next guy, but how did Sonic 3 and Knuckles hurt the Classic Sonic gameplay style? I thought it was just the same, just that tails could fly, knuckles could glide, there was the new miniboss idea, and the elemental shields. There's some more, but the only thing i didn't like sometimes was specifically two things: 1. Marble Garden Zone boss with sonic and tails. 2. Carnival Night Zone's weird platforms(ex: the infamous duck and stand barrel)
As far as gameplay goes, it just didn't really add anything. Since the game was a sequel, and players like myself had the time to play number two to death, it didn't add enough fresh ideas to the core gameplay to keep it from feeling stale. It's not necessarily a bad game, it's just number two had a far more original feel. Even the Sonic music took a step back in Sonic 3, and the visuals were far too muddled for my taste--they tried to do too much. It's like comparing Mario 64 with games like Conkers BAd Fur day. Back at that time people thought Conker looked great because it through all the possible graphical effects it could, into the mix. Looking back on the two games now, Mario 64 exceeds it in every possible way.
Heirenn, I like Sonic as much as the next guy, but how did Sonic 3 and Knuckles hurt the Classic Sonic gameplay style? I thought it was just the same, just that tails could fly, knuckles could glide, there was the new miniboss idea, and the elemental shields. There's some more, but the only thing i didn't like sometimes was specifically two things: 1. Marble Garden Zone boss with sonic and tails. 2. Carnival Night Zone's weird platforms(ex: the infamous duck and stand barrel)
As far as gameplay goes, it just didn't really add anything. Since the game was a sequel, and players like myself had the time to play number two to death, it didn't add enough fresh ideas to the core gameplay to keep it from feeling stale. It's not necessarily a bad game, it's just number two had a far more original feel. Even the Sonic music took a step back in Sonic 3, and the visuals were far too muddled for my taste--they tried to do too much. It's like comparing Mario 64 with games like Conkers BAd Fur day. Back at that time people thought Conker looked great because it through all the possible graphical effects it could, into the mix. Looking back on the two games now, Mario 64 exceeds it in every possible way.
I see what you're saying but I disagree. The music in Sonic 3 and Knuckles was superior to Sonic 2, the difficulty was higher, the game was longer, and while not as fresh as the spin dash was in Sonic 2, which I think was the only real original addition, Sonic 3 and Knuckles perfected what Sonic 2 had with more boss battles, harder stages, more bonus stages, power ups, hyper Sonic and Knuckles and Knuckles levels that were different sometimes. The only thing that Sonic 2 has over Sonic 3&K is the multiplayer and a harder special stage.
Plus Tails was more useful in Sonic 3&K because player 2 was far more useful in co op. Also the art style was better in Sonic 3 and Knuckles although Sonic CD also art wise looked better then Sonic 2.
Overall the order would be: Sonic 3&K>Sonic 2>Sonic CD>Sonic 1
Im a huge Sonic fan (shows right?) but I dont understand why so many people consider Sonic CD one of the best or THE best clas-sic sonic game ever. The gameplay is actually slower than previous games because you have to goto each level's past to make it a good future by hitting a hidden machine or whatever it is.
You dont have to do this but if you want the true ending you do and thats very repetative imo. To answer the question, Sonic3/Knuckles, especially since you could lock-on with 2.
You could also get the true ending by playing the bonus stages and getting all seven Time Stones. Going with this method, you could play CD like the other Sonic games and not worry about going into the past.
Ya I know about the Time Stones but theyre so difficult to get (like emeralds, which is what the Time Stones are basicly). Playing it normal and going for the Time Stones would at best make it just like the previous games, gameplay wise. Which is not a bad thing, its always fun running through all the crazy levels butwhatever way you choose to play it its not the great masterpiece everyones makes it out to be,imo.
Its either gonna be slower and repetative if you go the "Changing the past" route or its gonna be your typical Sonic game with diffrent levels and collecting the stones(which like I said its not a bad thing). Id choose the latter. It takes too long trying to change the past to each zone plus sometimes you mess up and you cancel out the speed-warp since you need a big area to gain speed, which is pretty hard in the latter levels.
i dont want to sound repetitive but....sonic CDStriderKainthere is nothing wrong with saying you like Sonic CD better.
I see what you're saying but I disagree. The music in Sonic 3 and Knuckles was superior to Sonic 2, the difficulty was higher, the game was longer, and while not as fresh as the spin dash was in Sonic 2, which I think was the only real original addition, Sonic 3 and Knuckles perfected what Sonic 2 had with more boss battles, harder stages, more bonus stages, power ups, hyper Sonic and Knuckles and Knuckles levels that were different sometimes. The only thing that Sonic 2 has over Sonic 3&K is the multiplayer and a harder special stage.
Plus Tails was more useful in Sonic 3&K because player 2 was far more useful in co op. Also the art style was better in Sonic 3 and Knuckles although Sonic CD also art wise looked better then Sonic 2.
Overall the order would be: Sonic 3&K>Sonic 2>Sonic CD>Sonic 1
We'll have to agree to disagree then. For me, after playing Sonic 2 and going back to the first one, it felt as if things were missing. Like the developers were kicking themselves for not implementing some of the refined controls devised for the second game. The number one reason I suppose is it still feels like Sonic. Where you bring up the more uses for Tails and all these additions, it starts to not feel like sonic to me. By the point of number 3s release, people are established fans, and it feels like nothing more than new levels, as opposed to a packaged experience. So much so that the game didn't hold my interest enough to even bother finishing it completely.
Sonic CD is the worst of the classic sonics imo. It was a great game but it pales in comparison to the other 16 bit sonics, including Sonic 1. The level design wasn't as good, music was a joke in comparison and so were the special stages. The time travel thing was kinda cool though.
Heirenn, I like Sonic as much as the next guy, but how did Sonic 3 and Knuckles hurt the Classic Sonic gameplay style? I thought it was just the same, just that tails could fly, knuckles could glide, there was the new miniboss idea, and the elemental shields. There's some more, but the only thing i didn't like sometimes was specifically two things: 1. Marble Garden Zone boss with sonic and tails. 2. Carnival Night Zone's weird platforms(ex: the infamous duck and stand barrel)
As far as gameplay goes, it just didn't really add anything. Since the game was a sequel, and players like myself had the time to play number two to death, it didn't add enough fresh ideas to the core gameplay to keep it from feeling stale. It's not necessarily a bad game, it's just number two had a far more original feel. Even the Sonic music took a step back in Sonic 3, and the visuals were far too muddled for my taste--they tried to do too much. It's like comparing Mario 64 with games like Conkers BAd Fur day. Back at that time people thought Conker looked great because it through all the possible graphical effects it could, into the mix. Looking back on the two games now, Mario 64 exceeds it in every possible way.
Yeah, after playing Sonic 3 and S&K so much lately, the overall game does look worse. Tails & Sonic look better but they did try to hard with almost everything else. And the game really didn't add too many great features beyond Knuckles and Tails being able to fly and use it as an attack.I've played Sonic CD the most. The music, zones and art style are all great and it is so much fun to speed run levels in it. I love Sonic 3 too but for me the level designs in Sonic & Knuckles didn't seem up to par with the rest of the series. Sandopolis and Lava Reef feel kind of lackluster when you compare them to any zone in Sonic 3 vanilla.danb0I say Sandopolis and Marble Zone (ugh!) are the 2 worse Genesis Sonic levels. I REALLY hate Marble Zone.
Sonic 1-3 & Sonic & Knuckles are all great games!I love them all equally! I probably played the 1st one the most, though, since it was what came with my Genesis and I got games few and far in-between when I was kid.
I don't get why everyone hates Sonic 3D Blast. I fully admit it's not as good as the traditional Sonic games, but it's not a bad game by any means. It's fun in it's own right. It's sure as hell better than Sonic Chaos or Sonic Spinball.
I don't get why everyone hates Sonic 3D Blast. I fully admit it's not as good as the traditional Sonic games, but it's not a bad game by any means. It's fun in it's own right. It's sure as hell better than Sonic Spinball.
What did you say? Dem fighting words. :lol:3 and Knuckles
this, however I'm going to cheat a little and say Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast was hands down the best of the franchise.
This.Sonic 3 and Knuckles>Sonic CD but both are awesome games and the pinnicle of the series.
S3&K was by far the most epic game in the 2D series (and the entire series when you consider how cliche and cheesy the 3D games' plots were), and also the largest. Sonic CD was good too, but I liked S3&K more.
As an aside, Sonic 2 was, imo, the most solid, well done game in the series. That game did pretty much everything right and did so without throwing in any unnecessary crap that brought the other games down like unnecessary side characters, crappy dialogue, gimmicks, and furryservice.
3 and Knuckles
this, however I'm going to cheat a little and say Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast was hands down the best of the franchise.
I'm trying to track down my Dreamcast from a relative to play through that one. I've tried it, but never bought it or invested any amount of worthwhile time into it. I wonder if it still holds up..
S3&K was by far the most epic game in the 2D series (and the entire series when you consider how cliche and cheesy the 3D games' plots were), and also the largest. Sonic CD was good too, but I liked S3&K more.
As an aside, Sonic 2 was, imo, the most solid, well done game in the series. That game did pretty much everything right and did so without throwing in any unnecessary crap that brought the other games down like unnecessary side characters, crappy dialogue, gimmicks, and furryservice.
Yeah, Sonic 2 is the most solid.Please Log In to post.
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