video games are such a diverse medium that they require teamwork even more so than film, so its often the studio that gets credit more than any one person (although i feel like in games the franchise is recognized more than the developer, which is disappointing but also an entirely different topic).
theres not much of a distinction between director and lead designer though. if theres a single person who has the most control over the end result, its the producer. the confusion is that the producer of a film just pays for everything and secures resources. in games, its very common that the producer has the overall vision and communicates it to various directors to translate into their respective fields (or communicates it to the lead designer/"director", depending on the structure of the studio). youll also notice that more western studios have directors but no credited producers. its because the publisher provides the finances and the director takes on the creative role that the producer would otherwise have.
rule of thumb: if theres a producer, that person generally gets the most credit. if theres no producer, either the director or lead designer gets the most credit. if there is both a director and lead designer position but no producer, then the director generally gets the most credit. its convoluted and not very helpful due to how most games are really made. hell, there are even exceptions (look up shadow of the colossus and see which of the top names you recognize). the focus should be most on the overall talent of the studio.
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