@BluRayHiDef said:
Arkham Origins was not a bad game, so why the hate?
Here's some good reasons as to why it does deserve the hate:
-First off, the combat, while it feels the same and fun as ever, it also felt clunky and uncomfortable. Truth is, I've had multiple problems of facing an enemy and trying to hit them while facing them in their direction and they hit nothing but air. Batman is supposed to fly over and hit them and a lot of the times, he didn't, so you have to be really close to do so. In Batman AA and AC, that wasn't a problem at all. The same thing goes for countering; the counter icon pops up, I hit the Y button as they are attacking, and yet I STILL GOT HIT. That's a problem.
-There have been multiple reports of glitches and bugs, such as the game freezing up on you (which has happened to me), not to mention saves that get corrupted and force you to start all over again, which was a pain in the ass to go through. At least I knew what to do from start to finish, but that didn't make things any easier for me. Also, glitches such as Batman disappearing into the ground of a rooftop also happened. All of that and it's something that WBM REFUSES to fix because they prefer to be all freaking happy about the DLC that's coming out. What a load of bullshit if you ask me! A good developer always makes sure that their games are free of much glitches and bugs as possible. Unfortunately, not every game does this and still receives a ton of praise and awards, etc (Skyrim, I'm looking at YOU!)
-The story isn't all that good, to be honest. The only memorable thing that I remember from it was how the rivalry between Batman and Joker started, at least in the Arkham universe. Other than that, the voice acting was good, but not up to par (except for Troy Baker's performance as The Joker, that was pretty good, though I miss Mark Hamil as the voice of the Joker).
-The Dark Knight system. That was a terrible idea, especially when one has to consider the fact that you have to do them, one by one, instead of ANY ORDER. Having to go through the tracks that involved the predator rooms in story mode only absolutely sucked. I had to do a lot of restarts for certain tracks just to get them done. Rocksteady allowed you to tackle any challenge in any way you see fit! Why the hell did WBM not do the same here as well? It's absurd game design at least!
These are just few of the reasons why I feel Origins is the worst in the series. I've been hearing rumors of WBM possibly making more games out of the Origins timeline. If they do, I hope they learn from their mistakes and not screw it up big time, like how they did with Origins.
Edit: I also forgot to mention the boss fights. Most of them weren't bad, but Bane? Holy crap, that was BAD! The fact that WBM programmed him to act like a homing missile was insane and I mean insane in a bad way! No matter how hard you try to dodge over his shoulder rush, he can somehow do a 360 and STILL HIT YOU. It was also not easy having to get three quick cape stuns as he was somehow faster enough to punch you. That is one of the worst boss fights I've ever had the pleasure of going through. He's not like Bane in AA, where you could throw a batarang to confuse him, giving you enough time to roll out of the way. And it's worse because I completed the game THREE TIMES (the first time, then on NG+, then on I Am The Night, which really isn't that bad at all). To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd, "What were they thinking?!?!"
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