Games like this mainly don't do well because, in general, the average game buyer is a chump. Your average gamebuyer (generally)only plays games that have the words 'Grand', 'Theft', 'Auto', 'Madden'/'FIFA' (depends on where you from), 'Turismo', 'World', and 'Warcraft'.
(Please note: I'm not dissing any of those games, it is a generalisation, but one that is all too unfortunate apparent once you see sales charts)
Obviously, 'proper gamers' (again, another general term), like most of the people that would frequent message boards such as this, are a little moreopen-minded when it comes to the games they play. I bought BG&E, PoP:SoT, Stranger's Wrath, and FreedomFighters (another game that people complain didn't sell well enough but is thoroughly awesome)the day they were released in Australia on my Xbox (and still proudly own all four, if only I had my old Xbox to play them on - seeing as how it blew up 18 months ago and I'm yet to replace it). I also bought BG&E and Freedom Fighters for my PC as well, bought Psychonauts off of eBay for PC before it was even released in Australia (stupid 6+ month delays), and bought Farenheit (Indigo Prophecy for the US crew) the day is was released on PC. Generally, 'proper gamers' will read reviews on websites such Gamespot or IGN (they are my big two - mostly) or in magazines, or look on websites such as Metacritic (, which serve as a 'database' of review scores, with snippets of text from said reviews, so you can see an average score, and what each review scored, and make informed purchasing decisions from there. The average game buyer buys games based on name and advertising/hype (how else do the Harry Potter games sell so well?)
In relation to the four games I mentioned, I bought them on release as a result of their incredibly positive reviews, both on Gamespot (eg. FF getting a 9.4 I think) and on IGN, with a lot of the praise coming from their great gameplay
The nail in the coffin, most of the time, is the phrase 'kiddie', mainly as a negative description of a game. Most of Nintendo's N64 got hit with this tag (even a lot of Gamecube games also I believe), and I've even heard games like Jak & Daxter or Ratchet & Clank (the originals, not the sequels) been described as 'kiddie', despite how great both games are (I believe the actual response I heard from another person's mouthwas 'Why would I play a kiddie piece of **** like that').
PS - Not as a knock to the TC, but, as someone mentioned earlier, why are you complaing about BG&E's lack of success after bargain binning it? Just curious, because your $5 purchase wouldn't really register as a sale for it right about now...
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