There are simply too many of them. Plus, like others responded, you can only innovate so much whenver you're doing the same theme over and over again. I'm glad they went to the Modern Warfare route because the WWII thing was just getting RIDICULOUS. I think the slew of Call of Duty WWII games would perhaps take you longer to beat than the actual war itself :P lol
But seriously, I have only played Modern Warfare I, and while the graphics blew me away, it simply wasn't my cup of tea. I guess you can say it was a bit TOO realistic. I like some fantasy and gridiron with my gameplay, like Killzone or Crysis 2. Plus, the reason lots of hardcore gamers hate it is because COD isn't really a hardcore gamer's game, but more of a casual gamer's game that is simply popular due to word of mouth. Somehow they were able to market it as THE game to get, when in fact there were so many better shooters out there. Since Americans love to be fed bullcrap and then go into denial as to how worth it it actually was, they simply say it's the best shooter without having any real experience with other shooters, then their friends believe them and go buy it themselves. So because little Mikey in the 7th grade is the most popular boy in school, and begged his mom for it for christmas, got it, and doesn't really like it but can't say he doesnt' like it, he says he loves it, thus getting theentire class to want to buy it. Again, word of mouth is powerful.Sort of goes hand-in-hand as to why the Xbox 360 is so much more popular to own than the Playstation 3. Word of mouth, even though the PS3 is a FARRR superior gaming and multimedia machine, Microsoft was somehow able to market themselves as more "american" (like COD, very pro-America), thus the masses follow suit, with their own parents egging it on. This is why games like COD or the Xbox itself aren't as popular overseas as they are here.
I'd take Metroid Prime over COD any day, just for the much more fantastical and ambitious gameplay over anything else. There is simply more artistry and originality with it. While I'm not denying that a WWII game like COD wouldn't be fun, I would definitely not go as far as making it such a big deal as it has been made.
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