Yeah, we all already know about the latest incident involving the teens who went on a crime spree saying they were inspired by Grand Theft Auto. We always try to tell them "it's not for kids, it is rated M for Mature or over 17!" But by now you should know that will fall on deaf ears. Why? Because these same parents and politicians who try to ban violent or sexually explicit video games been around long enough to remember video games exclusively as "a kid's toy." You probably noticed the vast majority of people who want these games banned are in their late 30s or older and never played a video game themselves. When they think of video games they think of games like Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, or anything else that your average 12-year-old thinks they are too "cool" to play. To them, the idea of a violent or sexually explicit video game is like putting a Freddy or Tera Patrick attraction in the middle of Disneyland with a sign that says "For Mature Audiences Only" at the entrance. It just doesn't belong there, regardless of the mature warning.
Just like Disneyland, while enjoyed by adults, is for kids first they believe video games are just for kids and video game versions of R and NC-17 movies just don't belong in America. They won't change, they will always consider it wrong, and they will continue to fight until the only thing left are games like SMG (a great game but non-violent) and Pokemon. The best thing we can do as gamers is vote (after you reach eighteen) against candidates who want to take away our First Amendment rights and speak out in a civilized way. Sitting on a video game forum calling people like Jack Thompson evil or saying the parents are the real ones to blame won't do anything because people like him don't read the forums to begin with and don't care what you think. But at the same time, going crazy over any law simply requiring positive identification to buy M-rated games doesn't make sense since it doesn't call for the ban of the games, just keeping it out the hands of guys like the kids who say GTA inspired them to do their crimes. Laws like that are no different than laws banning the sale of cigarettes, alcohol, or pornography to minors.
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