it could, but i dont see it happening any time soon. a lot of regions have bandwidth caps that limit online feasibility.
a lot of ps3 games are ****ing huge. you could definitely make the argument that the bigger ps3 games are large simply because developers know they are working with blu-ray and dont bother with compression, but then there are games the witcher 2. i just wiki'd it and the base game is 16gb (8gb more in additional content too). i wonder how well that is selling digitally in countries like australia where the internet sucks. even if we do come to accept that kind of download size, diverse electronics corporations like sony are going to push physical media in their consoles regardless.
then you have the current delivery package that is built around physical media. the more bite sized episodic content is still the minority and even that only stretches out the current delivery package rather than actually shorten it.
anyway, DD is obviously huge and still growing, but physical media are staying for a long time.
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