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I pre ordered the limited edition ps4 version but cancelled it then other day... I don't think it will be as fun as it first sounded...
But we shall see
Eventually I will, but I wanna see more youtube gameplay videos from actual gamers. Then I will make my final decision. The review score isn't a big deal to me, I just want to see some extended gameplay.
I understand the whole concept of the game, I just want to see if it will get boring after a few hours of hands on time.
It will be a Day 1 purchase for me. It's my most anticipated game this year, I love just getting to explore.
Maybe. I'd like to get it but I don't have a PS4 yet and there are other games available for it that I'm more interested in getting first.
like most people, anything i do will be review pending. i so want it to be good but i still have no idea, despite watching extensive preview footage and reading loads about it, whether it'll be incredibly fun or incredibly dull.
if it gets rave reviews i'll grab it straight away, if it gets average scores i'll pick it up at some point for cheap, if it bombs i'll be brave and hold back the tears
I think No Mans Sky is the perfect example of showing off a game too early. From the initial reveal at E3 2 years ago I was as hyped as anyone, it sounded like the perfect game for me. But all this came with the expectation that an Indie game would come at an Indie game cost. The more they show of the game the less interested I became, but I still intended to buy the game.
I'm not gonna pay $60 for this game, an unproven concept from an unproven developer. I don't know if I will get 5 hours out of this game or 500 hours, and I really can't justify $60 for 5 hours of 'why the hell did I buy that?'
i dont preorder anymore. I've been burned way too many times. If it gets good reviews, Im in. If not, I will just stick with Starbound.
maybe. It kind of just looks like a walking-simulator-in-space at the moment, but if the gameplay is rich enough I will definitely buy it.
Not at launch. This is definitely a wait and see title. Very little of any substance has actually been said about the game.
What we do know is it is massive, you are trying to get to the centre of the galaxy, there is combat and there is exploration.
As far as I'm concerned if any one of those things doesn't work well in the game it is going to drag the entire thing down. Especially the exploration.
No I'm going to wait for the reviews. I already have a backlog anyway. May as well wait and get it when it is cheap later. Or not as the case may be.
Well, I don't know if I'll get the game, because that is in the future. And obviously I can't see the future, I'm not some kind of wizard.
Having said that, I'm certainly not PLANNING on buying the game. Honestly, from what I've hear about it, it sounds boring as shit.
Maybe. It sounded interesting at first but the longer I think about it the more this game looks like it's gonna be something I'll play for a few hours and then get bored of rather quickly.
i dont know about buying this game i think ill just wait for it to be reviewed ....... at first i was like hell to the muthaphaking yess but then i started having second thoughts as its a new IP new idea and stuff like you will never see the same creatures twice and all that means that everything will be randomly genrated so you might see the same creatures but there headz arms legs limps or whatever mixed so ill just wait for it to come out and see ...... i love the IDEA thou
I feel like there could be more options on this poll. In any case, since I am planning a week long vacation in the mid of september and Im saving up money, I wouldn't get it at release even if I wanted to. I'll propably buy it in october when all the elements of the game good or bad have been surfaced and I can do an informed purchase, and even then I might actaully decide to leave it for a sale. So its a maybe for me.
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