I'm compiling a list of the most pathetic, anemic weapons and power-"ups" from a variety of games; top-down shooters, FPS, platformers, whatever.
For example, The Klobb from Goldeneye was horribly inaccurate and did terrible damage. You'd prefer your standard pistol for the most part. Mega Man's Leaf Shield also comes to mind.
What other weapons and upgrades felt more like downgrades to you?
Happy gaming,
Many of the other James Bond games have a terrible Mini-SMG weapon as well, Nightfire's 32 shot Uzi ripoff comes to mind. As for some other lame video game weapons through the years, here are a few of my suggestions:Needler: Halo CE
Sure, the homing shots were a nice novelty, but this joke of a weapon's laughable shot velocity and terrible damage make even a full clip's worth feel more like a flick to the recipent. The Flag is a more effective weapon.
Shotguns: Syphon Filter and Logan's Shadow
Shotguns in games have one single purportedadvantage: extreme stopping power at close range. Not only do Syphon Filter shotguns lack this one single advantage, in later games the bare handed MELEE ATTACK is more effective in combat, and this is a realistic melee punch that takes over eight wacks to down an enemy. In a game all about precision headshots, the shotgun has both rediculous spread, god-awful range(the shells disapear at about five feet) and rediculously low damage that will take multiple clips even at point blank range. The Shotgun, at least Logan's Shadow's incarnation, is the worst weapon I have ever used in a game, bar none.
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