Well here's my dilemma; apparantly Assassin's Creed 2 is good, damn good and I want to play it, but I have not beaten the first Assassin's Creed, and from what I understand the story essentially takes off right where AC1 ended, now I care about story in my games so I would like to know what's going on when playing AC2, so I'm wondering if it is worth it to buy AC1 again, I owned it previouslyon the 360, but never beat it (I then sold it, I was maybe a quarter through).
Now I did enjoy what I played of AC1, I thought it was quite fun but I just didn't have the time to beat it, so I wouldn't mind playing it again sometime, now I could just read a story synopsis of AC1 and buy AC2 and be done with it, but I've done that before with other games and it just didn't fly. I can buy AC1 off Steam for $19.99, play that then buy AC2 after I beat AC1, or I can save $19.99 and some time and just read a synopsis of the story and buy AC2 without playing AC1, but I feel that would lessen the experience of AC2.
Opinions? Thanks.
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