So I am setting at home, bored out of my mind. While looking at several FPS/war/RTS games I began thinking.
Would it be possible for someone to make a game were battles happened in real time wether you interacted with them or not. Such as say Nazi germany versus the Russian army. Suppose you had the option to join one of the armies as a specific class, officer, sniper, ground troop, tank commander, or even general and your choice would impact your experience in the game.
Lets say you choose to be a sniper and you go out and shoot an enemy commander effectivly shutting down his troops, but if you say choose to be an officer instead you may have to lead your troops into combat against the enemy officer and his troops instead of them simply being taken out by the snipers actions.
Basically what I want is a preprogrammed battle to be waging and my actions actually having an effect on the battle depending on what I am doing at the current time. But I dont want scripted missions as such. Perhaps strategic targets would be a good idea but if say as a sniper I am on my way to target A and I see a friendly squad pinned down by enemy I could choose to go around or I could attack the enemy and free the friendly squad without it having to be done game wise but then eneabling my side to do better in the overall battle.
Ugh, I know what I am wanting in my mind its just more difficult to explain than I thought. If there is anything out there like this could someone let me know.
I guess essentialy it would be a FPS/war sandbox game where basically the whole environment is interactive....
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