[QUOTE="smerlus"][QUOTE="F1Lengend"]Ya, not to mention I got the HDMI cable for 5 dollars, and a headset with warhawk (wireless btw...)
But my point is that HE was the one who brought it up when obviously it goes both ways. Neither are perfect.
Back on topic, I guess no one wants to argue any of my points? How about the fact that the pc has live and all its functions for free. Second...you guys keep touting all these great xbox features that PSN doesnt have so its worth the money...but that stuff is free too. All the features mean nothing cause you are only paying to PLAY online.
people already mentioned your points but you don't want to listen to them. I said I'll pop in City of heroes and talk to my friends on Neverwinter Nights 2 and Crysis while I send messages to my other friend playing the Witcher...
oh i can't do that because all of PC's games aren't integrated with live
You can do that with a silver account....
no you can't because those games aren't affiliated with live. If I play city of Heroes, it's on a totally different server than the other 3 or 4 games i listed and they aren't connected in any other way besides being on the PC.. if i want to do voice chat orinstant messaging I'll have to have extra programs running in the background that can cause stability issues (like i said, if i leave yahoo running while playing NWN 2, the game often crashes when i get an IM)
also if my friends were playing those games, since those games don't have friend's lists and the ability to just hop into games...i have to coordinate with them ahead of time.
what i'm saying is every single 360 game is unified, not every PC game is... some are xfire, some are steam, some are live, some are gamespy and then you have the MMORPG's that are all seperate entities.
that's not the same as XBL
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