I do find his reviews funny and informative *gasp*
First, he doesn't hide who he is. He is PC FPS nerd that's into games like Half-Life 2, System Shock 2, etc.
and he is also Adventure game fanatic, that only likes specific adventure games.
and he hates Japanese anime-influenced culture.
Knowing all this, all his complaints about subjects that I like, and he hates, I can safely ignore them as something that is unrelated to me. What he hates, is what I like. MGS4's long long cut-scene was highlight to me, not a flaw, so his MGS4 review was funny to me, but wasn't accurately depicting if I will enjoy the game or not.
When it comes to FPS, I'm pretty sure listening to him will do me good because he knows what he is talking about. (except for Half-Life 2 because that's most boring game I've ever played, and I thought Portal wasn't that good *gasp*)
He picks out details of the games that other reviewers would normall overlook. Oblivion review for instance. I've read from other reviewers how great the voice acting was and blah blah blah, but the reality was the conversation was never really smooth because it has odd voice acting dynamics going. A character could talk like 90 old lady and all of sudden speak like 30 year old woman. Breaking the immersion like he mentioned. Other reviewers didn't mention this.
Ok back to the point. The point is, that he doesn't hide who he is. That he likes PC FPS, hates JRPG, etc, and the fact his reviews are his subjective point of view towards the game. The most he will do to be objective is to try and be everyday people (and fail miserably because no matter how hard he tries, he cannot hide the fact he is Western game nerd who hates anything Eastern and things frat boys love), not the fan of the genre.
Not sure why when it comes to game reviews, we have so many of these crusaders that's lifting pitchfork and shove not so enjoyable games to other people's arse. What's up with this unrealistic loyalty?
Of course I do think some companies *cough Microsoft cough* pays people to create these kind of tension in forums, but that's ok. Creating rumors and persuasion is a tactic that's been among society ever since it was created, but I thought by now, people are smart enough to not get persuaded by it so easily. It seems people get rallied up too quickly for a game company and quick to attack someone for having different opinions and attacks others who agrees with someone who has different opinion from them.
I don't care what your favorite game is. It has a flaw, and not everyone will enjoy it. That's a FACT.
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