So you instead base your purchasing decisions off of how well the company trying to sell the product markets the game and makes you want to buy it. I don't understand your contention that buying something with no input from someone who actually played it is better than buying something with some input from other people...unless you don't care about blowing money on games that turn out to suck.[QUOTE="SpaceMoose"]
Like I said, all reviews are subjective opinions - and that includes critics. Just because a critic likes a game and hates another, doesn't mean that you will too. If you only have the time to play the mainstream then that's fine and dandy, but it only means that you will be missing out on other games that got lower scores from critics but may be a treasure to you. And it could easily go the other way around - MK vs DC (I choose this because I'm a fighting fan to death) got a score of 7.5 - meaning that it's good. That reflects the views of a Gamespot reviewer, but to me, it's anything but good. MK has always been a poorly developed, broken fighter, yet it gets good reviews on most cases (And I STILL don't understand why).
I also find the whole professional reviews > user reviews to be a bunch of BS too. Just because someone is a 'professional' reviewer doesn't mean that his/her opinionis undisputed fact. It seems to me that not a lot of people know that.
No. Please stop making assumptions, because that does absolutely nothing.
When it comes to getting games that I like, I can get my impressions anywhere - playing it at a friend's house for a session, playing a machine at the video store, trying out demos etc. I take the time out to actually get information on a game, not a rushed 3 minute video review (or rushed written review) with a score attached to it. I don't even like the concept of scores because A) It's merely a tool used to have a society of impatient individuals figure out which number is closer to 10 and B) I think it's ridiculous that someone's opinion can be represented with a number. MGS4 scored a 10 here on Gamespot, yet the reviewer mentioned that there was a lengthy installation time and occasional drops in frame rate. Wouldn't that mean it isn't a 10, since 10 = Perfect?
I have my own established franchises (which are also very popular) such as Final Fantasy. Many hate FFVIII, X-2 and XII, but does that hinder my loves for those games? Not one bit. As for completely new games - sure, reviews are helpful, but I never just look at the critic reviews and call it a day, because more than often they are pretty close to unanimous. That's how I end up buying garbage like MK vs DC - I'm not the reviewer, I am me. I have my own personal tastes. You are you. And the same goes for you. User reviews are just as important as critic reviews, because looking at a game from only one perspective can mislead you.
Who said I only read the review of one critic? I usually look at Metacritic and see what different people are saying from media outlets that I actually recognize. I don't bother too much with user reviews because it's a waste of my time to weed through all of the idiots that give every game they don't like a 1.0 or that refuse to even attempt to write coherently or that scale their games on bull**** that I would consider mostly superficial. I don't go just by the scores. If I did that I would have a lot of games that I don't.
At the end of the day a game gets a person's interest for one reason or another. Reviews are exactly for when you didn't already get to play the game yourself. Furthermore, because of reviews, I have found games I like that I otherwise probably barely would have even noticed. I don't have the time or inclination to find a way to try out every single game in existence, or even every single game in genres I know I like, and I don't know how anyone could. Thus, reviews are a quick way to at least see if a game might be good.
The fact that you think a 10 means a game is supposed to mean "perfect" is kind of ridiculous as obviously there is no such thing, and what is the point of having a highest score if no game can ever attain it? Then you would just have a different highest score, and would that score then be "perfect"?
Anyway, all I said (or meant at least) was that I don't buy games that get nearly unanimously bad reviews, unless of course I played them and liked them anyway, which of course has happened roughly never, because again, why would I go out of my way to try out a game that is supposedly garbage when there's a ton of other games that I know are supposed to be good, or games that already know that I like? I'm not really counting sequels to games I liked (or didn't like) though; that is another matter entirely, although certainly there have been terrible sequels to great games. (Tomb Raider, I'm looking your way.)
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