I had it preordered and preloaded on Steam, and forced myself to find good things about this game..
I saw the reviews and said w/e they shouldmt matter.
but then I played it.
The "Campaign" was a complete joke.
This game was funded and was in devleopment for a good amount of time..
and its basically just multiplayer with bots ?! wiuth meaningless cutscenes?! at elast make the cutscenes meaningful ffs!!
The grenades dont kill but they 'knock down' enemies. Lol..!
Then comes the Multiplayer..
Its all objective. They force teamwork by forcing you to play objective. Mhmm.
There are some guns that are simply far better than any other gun. So why use the other guns?
Why should I use a handgun when I have a SMG that can be considered a primary weapon?
Often, I can shoot somebody with my whole clip, and they shoot me twice and I'll die right away while they have halfa bar of health left.. ridiculous. and this isn't lag btw. Trust me. this isnt the console version.
The one thing I DO like is the customization. But the faces look like frickin HORSES!! every single face looks downright ugly.
If you dont want to read this, watch this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhNy-S3t2dI&feature=feedu
It's a very accurate review imho.
What do you think of Brink?
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