Saw this motif in an OT topic, decided to bring it over to games. What are your unpopular opinions regarding games and gaming?
Mine are:
- Indie games have become consistently better while high-budget games have become too stagnant (for the most part, of course), wasting too much time and too many resources on superficial characteristics. My favorite games of the year have been, consistently, indie games (since 2008, with Braid).
- Art style is more important than sheer graphical prowess. I find some independent titles, such as Risk of Rain and Hyper Light Drifter, both using pixel art, better looking than plenty of the single-palette HD games, which have a generic look to them (again, for the most part. There are, of course, AAA titles that look gorgeous). Few games have as evocative visuals, to me, as The Swapper or FEZ.
- I like the direction Nintendo has consistently taken with consoles: rather than trying to operate in the same realm of the PC (at a lower budget), it innovates with controls and gameplay.
- I think companies should invest in motion controls (yes, that includes the Kinect and Sony's motion-capturing hardware) and new input methods (like Steam's controller's trackpad) rather than stop at our current technology: analog controllers, mouse and keyboard.
- I think broadening the audience to games is fantastic - the casual and hardcore niche don't compete with one another; there will always be games specific to each genre. By co-existing, they allow the gaming industry to have more capital to invest into making better games.
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