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I've never played a Metal Gear game. I've never played a GTA. I've never played a Sega console. I've never played an Xbox. I know sh*t about the Halo storyline. I've never played Ocarina of Time. I've never played a FF lower than 9(except 3 for DS).
There's more, thats just all I can think about right now.
p.s.-Oh yea, I've played FFX on numerous occasions with no pants on. I can't believe I'm about to click submit.
-I cheat in many games, often without first playing them unaltered. In fact, my favorite games (Chrono Trigger/Cross, GTA, among others) are often those in which I use the most cheat codes.
-I fell for the wild Nintendo Revolution rumors, believing that "any day now" Nintendo would reveal their holographic/virtual reality/supercomputer console to us unworthy masses (I exaggerate a bit with that last part).
-I lurk this forum in an amount greatly disproportinal to my number of posts.
-My Playstation 1 gets more play than my Wii, PS2, or PS3.
-I sold my 360, and I want to buy it again.
-I wish the Wii had a DVD player, even though I have three DVD-capable devices in my bedroom already.
-I own a Novint Falcon, but I haven't used it since I tried out the demo a month ago.
-Someone here had a signature mocking another user who didn't know what Zerg referred to. ...I didn't know the term, either :(
Here's one of my deepest darkest secrets about video games that i have >_> .....
I've always thought that the Halo series and Gears of War were, and always will be.. a big pile of overrated pieces of **** :o :P
If that's a dark secret, then it's one I share.
I wouldn't say they are pieces of ****, but I don't think they progressed their genres in a good fact, I think the immense hype behind those games have in a way held their genre's back and have actually resulted in less risk and original approaches in the genre.....that and the whole craze over WWII and Modern Warfare shooters.
While I won't argue against that statement, I think it's unfair to judge a game due to its popularity and overall affect on the industry instead of its own merits. While the original Halo: CE wasn't exactly groundbreaking in any way its core gameplay is so damn good IMO there's simply no other game in the genre that can challenge it when it comes to pure fun to be had and that is in the end what gaming should be all about IMO.
I never played a Zelda game in my whole life. (i dont even know who Link is until 2004)
The only PS2 game i finished more than 2 times is Chaos Legion. All of my games i finished it only once.
I got late at work for playing FFXII all night.
I don't really get embarrassed about the games I like or don't like, at the end of the day it's always a personal thing. I see games that people like and I don't and vice versa, you just have to accept it. :)
One embarrassing thing thought is setting up 2 player games on Perfect Dark Zero one night for me and my sister, so we could pick up several dozen achievement points. A few games of different modes over an hour or two. The embarrassing thing is.......
My sister was in bed sleeping the whole time.:(
- I received MGS2 as a birthday present, sold it about 1 year later, bought Substance when it came out, sold that, bought the original, sold it again, and bought it again... I haven't played it since I bought it...
- After I beat StarFox (SNES), I used to brag about how I can beat it without losing... and until about 3 years ago, I never beat it on the other two difficulties until I used a Game Genie on "hard"
- I think Donkey Kong (NES) is better than Super Mario 64
- I think Top Gear (SNES) is better than all of the Mario Karts
- I played Chrono Trigger last year, but don't see what the big deal is... maybe I should finish it
- I don't have the heart or interest to finish FF III (SNES)
Maybe I should have played them when I was a kid and I was open to playing any game
- The only zelda game i finished was the orcerina of time.
- I never finished C&C2 tiberium sun because the maps are way to dull in color and that has a negitive affect on me, even though i love C&C
- I've acctualy completed a real hentai game (true love), it was kinda fun
- Never Beat Mario 3 this i was 22
- I was i a 5 night aweek raiding guild in WoW, cool loot but the price was to high
- Deep down i hate guitar hero and hope devs dont start makeing more "Trendy" games cause they make more money and are easyer to make (just like with TV).
This isnt very embarssing but...
I have over 30 PS2 games and i've probly only played about half of them :(
when mk 2 and maximum carnage was about to come out on the same day
stood infront of the software etc and watch there little ad on the tv for an hour
there this other one too with dino crisis at the very end.i guess all you had to do was walk thru this little part
i got stuck and saw something worth looking at.
videogames do really make people violent. i have about 6-7 bodies stashed in my basement.
now this one is a funny one. i once used to tell people final fantasy games were stupid. then i plunge and bought FFX and i continued to play it for almost three days straight.(almost wanted to cry at the ending)
i own both metroid prime one and two for GC but never finished either of them.
i feel a small emotional connection with sora when i play kingdom hearts secretly in my bedroom.
i have played many resident evil games... never really liked them until RE4.
most of my gta games are played with cheat codes.
if my house was on fire i would probaby go back to save my videogames. then have my insurance pay me for them so i could buy more.
used to tell my girlfriend that i loved videogames more than i loved her. i even made a list of things i loved and put videogames above her.
Hmmm, where do I start?...
- like the Dynasty Warriors series
- hated FFXII
- think all Halo games suck
-havent played any of the GOTY nominees (except halo once at a friends house)
- hated Devil May Cry 3
- dont like GTA
- dont like msot popular games
- think guitar hero is kinda boring even though i play it sometimes
- still play ps2
- am playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time
- Think Diablo 2 is the best PC game ever.
I would rather play Wind Waker over Ocarina of Time simply because WW has a sea in it. That would explain my love for Florida.
I may never touch the Orange Box because my mom doesn't like its M rating. Before you get ideas, I'll be 16 in 20 days from now.
I like the Pump It Up series over DDR because of PIU Exceed's futuristic interface.
I consider Burnout Revenge the best racing game of all time.
I kind of want Tiger Woods 08 for my 360.
I never touched a Sony console...yet I want a PS2 and 3. I hope the 160GB model has PS2 compatiabilty.
I consider Tekken 5 to be the best fighting game ever, because it's Tekken and it has a huge character roster.
I want to be a New York Giants fan...if they win a Super Bowl.
I want a love story in Star Fox. Guess which two characters I want it to be with. Come on, you should know.
I consider Madden NFL 08 to be the second best football game ever after ESPN NFL 2K5, even though I never played any of those Tecmo Bowl games.
I want a love story in Star Fox. Guess which two characters I want it to be with. Come on, you should know.
hahah they'll be doin a barrel roll all right
- I find all three Halos really boring. Just run around and shoot, okay now backtrack, now stand here and wait. Blah. Multiplayer is a bit more fun, but not enough to make it worth it.
- I recently played Metriod Prime for the first time and I like it, but the world makes me feel lonely plus I'm kind of bad at it so I stopped playing.
- I love Sly 1 but I hate Sly 2.
- I rushed to get to 60 before Burning Crusade, got it the day it came out, and quit a couple months later without ever getting past 60 or even going to Outland.
- I've never played a DMC, MGS, RE, or HL, but I plan to.
- I play the Nancy Drew PC games. They're really good...
- I got San Andreas and I hate it. Now I can't get rid of it because it's marked M, not AO.
- I recently got Baldur's Gate, and so far I don't really like it... I'm going to keep trying though.
- I like Tingle...
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