^ theres a tutorial on how to set the log in on irc
all you have to do after that is
in the Mirc Network box type:Accessirc the IRC server box which is under ^ that one Set that to Accessirc:Random Server
Then after you set that up you connect then you should see a lttile window with the channels that pops up, type in the box #gufupublic And there you have it.
PS: if you get in the channel then get disconnected just reconnect.
I suggest you give the irc a try. We have a lot of fun in there and the more people that join, the more people I can kick with my superuberleetchannelop skillz :)
I orginally got to the IRC through a google search, I couldn't find the info but I was able to get there through a java viewer or something. I found the server info & channel stuff though and was able to set it up by myself.
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