TP won't flop.
But if in some strange alternate reality it does, they might as well name SW the Xbox 360's second forum because lemmings are gonna be the only ones in there.
...I don't know how much longer I'll stay at Gamespot.OMG We're all freaking out! The Wii is so close apocalypse!!!!!! ROARXXXerzz (I need to breathe)
With Jeff reviewing it, and his thus-far-shown attitude towards the Wii, him giving it lower than a 9.0 isn't as small as a possibility as we originally anticipated. Impossible, you say? He gave Majora's Mask 8.3 right after he gave Ocarina of Time a perfect 10. He CAN be unpredictable, and if I could take a guess, his sudden dislike for the game was probrably due to its radical differences from its predecessor. Wind Waker, on the other hand, went back to a more traditional Zelda sense (aside from sailing), and it got a 9.3.
See the pattern? He's somewhat conservative when it comes to games, and Majora's Mask wasn't nearly as dramatically different gameplay-wise as TP is going to be. It's still out of the question, nonetheless. More and more I fear a heavily biased review (possibly worse than Resistance's).
Maybe I'm just freaking out with the Wii so close to launch - I don't know. What I do know is this: if Twilight Princess scores any less than a 9.0, I will lose all faith in Gamespot. Permanetly. No second chances.
Even if it does get AAA, I'd really be disappointed if it got any less than 9.5. From what I've seen, read and heard, the game deserves at least that score - bare minimum. Jeff giving it less than that, however, can be vaguely seen in the possible future.
Chances are he might be writing the review now with the Wii only 3 days away. I'm waiting on you, Jeff; don't screw it up. Don't you dare. I've been waiting for this game with great anticipation for two straight years, and the last thing I need is a foul taste in my mouth from a questionable Gamespot review before I even boot up the game.
Indeed, I'm amazed at how Gamespot take like 3 minor errors in a game and knocks a point and a fourth from the game. (*Cough* Resistance) If he knocks the game down from AAA for voiceovers, a slow beginning etc. I'll have to kill someone.CJL13
[QUOTE="CJL13"]Indeed, I'm amazed at how Gamespot take like 3 minor errors in a game and knocks a point and a fourth from the game. (*Cough* Resistance) If he knocks the game down from AAA for voiceovers, a slow beginning etc. I'll have to kill someone.jetpower3
None, you do hear grunts though.
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