Just thought I'd share with you some exceptionally well done guitar riffs by someone who calls himself Kurikinton Fox. And yes, he's a full blooded Japanese, despite being white.
http://youtube.com/results?search_query=kurikintonAbove is the search query for most of his work. I'll link what I found exceptional.
Over Drive - If I'm reading it correctly...he wrote it himself and it's pretty amazing
FF7 Boss Theme - Wow?
FFVI Decisive Battle - :o wowwwwwww
Lost My Music - How I originally found him..searching for this song on Youtube. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi image insert song. Very well done, all by ear.
God Knows - Of course, the paired image song for Lost My Music. Also very well done.
Enjoy some great electric guitar ;)
*note* Right click, open in new window. I forgot to set the Open New Window link setting =(
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