I actually teared up a bit when reading that.I come from Nowhere land, and I am known as the walrus to many, and as the eggman to others. I feel down when I see red, and I never quite feel like I'm having a day in the life nor can I let go of yesterday. I specialize in running mystery tours and starting peaceful revolutions all over the world. I often feel the urge to go to an octopus's garden. When the bad boys start messing around, my soul just tells me to let it be. My favorite food are strawberries, which I frequently eat in fields. I live on Penny Lane, and I play in Sgt. Pepper's band. I never say good-bye, just hello. Let me just say I once had a girl once, or rather she once had me. I don't know if she loved me or not, but I did want to hold her hand kind of often. There was something else about her though. So, why don't we stop our guitars from weeping, go back in the U.S.S.R. and come together right now?
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