/me Flips the rug can covers laf,while reading all his secrets.muahaha!Unforgiven2870
/me throwsrug ontoUnforgiven, then pullls out Zaku's Twin Berretas and goes trigger happy on Unforgiven's body.
[QUOTE="lafigueroa"]It's your fault for having said secrets in the first place....
/me brushes posting history under the rug....
If you're wondoring why, this is an alt. I lost the passowrd to my oldest account some time ago.
[QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"]/me Flips the rug can covers laf,while reading all his secrets.muahaha!lafigueroa
/me throwsrug ontoUnforgiven, then pullls out Zaku's Twin Berretas and goes trigger happy on Unforgiven's body.
/me *vanishes* says you can't hurt meee!![QUOTE="lafigueroa"][QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"]/me Flips the rug can covers laf,while reading all his secrets.muahaha!Unforgiven2870
/me throwsrug ontoUnforgiven, then pullls out Zaku's Twin Berretas and goes trigger happy on Unforgiven's body.
/me *vanishes* says you can't hurt meee!!/Me drops a MOAB on the site
/says Die, you scurvy cur!
[QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"][QUOTE="lafigueroa"][QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"]/me Flips the rug can covers laf,while reading all his secrets.muahaha!lafigueroa
/me throwsrug ontoUnforgiven, then pullls out Zaku's Twin Berretas and goes trigger happy on Unforgiven's body.
/me *vanishes* says you can't hurt meee!!/Me drops a MOAB on the site
/says Die, you scurvy cur!
/notices this thread has somehow turned into an IRC chat[QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"]he started it!lafigueroa
/me robbs Unforgiven of his Dignity.
/me ooo no you don't! Pounces on lafigueora and takes him *Power Throw* and tosses him into the wall.[QUOTE="lafigueroa"][QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"]he started it!Unforgiven2870
/me robbs Unforgiven of his Dignity.
/me ooo no you don't! Pounces on lafigueora and takes him *Power Throw* and tosses him into the wall.TROLLING!!!
/me bans Unforgiven to Systemwars.com
Rofl wth? you highjacked then shot at mee.Unforgiven2870
hijacked, not highjacked. I didn't force anyone named Jack to start taking drugs. The 80s were 17 years ago.
Besides, you threw a rug on me first.
Heh. One of the reasons why I find SW irresistible is because it's the modern version of all the arguments (*ahem* DEBATES) I used to have with schoolmates on the playground in the 80s. SEGA Master System has much better graphics! No it don't! Nintendo has Legend of Zelda and Metroid! SEGA has Phantasy Star! It never really ended.
I learned in those days (during several extraordinarily painful lessons) that none of these makers deserves my allegiance; my money is all they've earned, ever. But I had such a good experience with NES and SNES that I went into the N64 generation expecting nothing would change. The choice of cartridges seemd like a very bad move, but it was still Nintendo... right?
Of course, after the N64 generation my will to stand faithfully behind a favorite manufacturer was completely broken. Now I'm fully promiscuous, and let me tell you, sluts have more fun.
[QUOTE="lafigueroa"]LOL! he still is a hardcore lemming as much as he tries to hide it haha.I remember back in September 2005...when a certain Former sheep turned hardcore Lemming. I mean, this guy was such a lemming, he would swear up and down that Perfect Dark Zero would pwn anything Killzone 2 could offer. Even after the E3 2005 vid.
His username was The_Game21x.
That's only partially true. Oh and by the way, Laf's story is competely false. I didn't even begin posting in SW until Jan of 06 and I've never been a hardcore sheep during the Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 era.
Before I get into my story, let me just get this out in the open. I hated Sony with a passion back then, and I still hold some of my reservations to this day. Before this is misinterpreted, I hate Sony as a company. I don't hate the Playstation brand or its consoles and for the record, this hate came from my experiences with Sony products that didn't have the "Playstation" name on them.
I was a full on Manticore at that point, with my preferred console being the Xbox. I joined the site in January of 2005 and I didn't begin posting until the Summer of 05, mainly posting in the PSP forum (of all forums). As fall approached, I left the forums as a whole for a while. I came back in late October, as the Xbox 360 was nearing release. I posted on the Xbox 360 forum a bit, and after it launched, I hung out around there in the (now) long dead "Official Xbox 360 shipment information" thread. After finally finding my 360, I posted in the Xbox 360 forum a little more, as I was hugely excited about the console.
And then I discovered System Wars.
I entered SW a Manticore. I owned all three previous gen consoles and the 360. I preferred the 360 and Xbox above the others for the same reasons any one else does, because they were the most fun to me at the time. Well, little did I know at the time that ever since E3 05, System Wars was Cow territory and they were relentless in their bashing of the 360. Well naturally, I stepped up to defend the 360 and got into huge wars with the local legends of the time. During this time, due to the tremendous amounts of 360 bashing, I grew to be hugely anti-Cow and made a few harsh remarks about the PS3 on occasion.
This is why I can appear to be a huge lemming now. Cows back then were far more plentiful, a hell of a lot more cocky and never let an oppurtunity to bash the 360 pass them by. Even now, I defend the 360 the most of the three, and still dislike cows for the most part. As of now, since I don't have a PS3, I've dropped my Manti-lemming status, and I'm just a Shemming.
I hope this has clarified a few things about me. I wouldn't say I was evera huge fanboy, but just like everryone else, I had my moments.
I admit I was a fanboy at a brief point.
I was manticore since Atari. Although what happened was E3 2006. I was mad at Sony and was a shemming. I then saw the error of my ways and that Kingdom Hearts 3 would be on a Playstation console.
I'm a big 360 supporter, but even since I came here to Gamespot a year ago, I take pride in having never bashed any games on the Sony or Nintendo platforms. I never talked trash about PS3 having crap hardware or "no good games", never cried the wii-mote is a gimmick that will pass away. I even made a thread praising the meteoric rise of Wii sales in so short a time, and how Nintendo had really turned things around for them from their Gamecube days.
But on the other side I continue my stance that Sony severly constrained the market share of the PS3, costing them the #1 spot they once enjoyed - based on price alone and not game library. Plus I felt their implementation of Blu ray was dubious, not to mention the prime factor of the cost. Of course Wii isn't much of a graphical improvement over Gamecube, some there yes, but not a great deal. And I always felt that MS's making a non-HDD model of 360 was a boneheaded move, plus the B/C through emulation is pretty spotty.
Though I have to confess, very early on when I 1st came here, I got a sour impression of sonyfans and really thought they were all the same, and biy did I hate so many of them. I'm glad to have met Fuzzy, VeryBest, Wasdie and others here :)
I've always had a strong alliance with Nintendo since my first console, the N64.
The next gen I went with a GC/ps2 combo. I wasn't really interested in the original xbox at all.
Then this gen the first systemI got was the wii. To tell you the truth....I just couldn't wait the extra month to wait for the GC version of TP. That andall the stellar footage from E3 06 of SMG and SSBB had me sold.
I also got a 360 because it was getting alot of great games. That and the wii was in a big dry spell and the wii60 combo I heard was pretty sweet. The Wii for nintendo's stellar first party offerings *with the occasional good third party title* and the 360 for everything else.
I used to be a big fanboy :oops:
I made flamebait threads for fun 'cuz I thought that's what SW was all about. Then I met this bunch of guys and changed my ways...
...and together we began hijacking flamebaiters' threads...
...until we started getting mod-pwned one by one :cry:
I remember when your posts would irritate me...those were the days. :PI used to be a big fanboy :oops:
I made flamebait threads for fun 'cuz I thought that's what SW was all about. Then I met this bunch of guys and changed my ways...
...and together we began hijacking flamebaiters' threads...
...until we started getting mod-pwned one by one :cry:
I was since it's release a huge PS2 and PC fan, never cared much for the other consoles, but I liked a few games on the other consoles and kept an open mind, especially to games such as Mario, Zelda and Halo. However, since I never was activeon forums except to ask a question about how to play a game from time to time I never really did much fanboying. Earlier though before I became a teenager there was always huge arguments in my class between the Nintendo 64 guys and the PlayStation slaves. Back then I decided to fight for N64 just because the Cows back then was so extremely subborn and stupid.
I was still a huge PlayStation fan up until Europe got screwed by the delay, which is when I bought a 360, and a good choice that was. I am still a bit biased against Sony for all it's "crimes" against Europe and lets face it, Sony's track record isn't exactly perfect. So I've been a sheep, a quiet cow and now I own all of the systems. Something I have always put higher than consoles though is PC with it's superiour hardware, multiple functions and well I don't really need to explain that, do I?
Now while I see the strength and weaknesses of all the consoles I still manage to get some enjoyment out of them all, and having each of them grants me access to all the exclusives I want. :D
Nintendo fanboy until Genesis came out. Come on there was nothing else besides Nintendo and the SMS and TG16 weren't pulling weight. They weren't main stream.
I had a problem with the Xbox. I refused to touch one but then they got controller S. I then proceeded to win one in a game of Madden.
I am a Megaman Fanboy though. I admit it.
I was the worst hermit in the world until 2003. I thought all consoles sucked, and their very existence made the games on them worthy of scorn. Final Fantasy was a joke compared to PC RPG's, if you couldn't save anywhere the game sucked, and if I couldn't be modded it couldn't be played. Consoles had inferior graphics, sound, gameplay, control, and were no fun at all.
Then I got a Gamecube to play Super Smash Bros. Melee with my friends and my life turned around completely. :)
I proceeded to be anti-sony until recently. Took me a while to shake that particular demon.
This thread has exploded some, so I'll explicate :o.
Loved the Nintendo NES through N64 (didn't even care a whit about the playstation, borrowed it from a friend to play and beat FF7).
Got a PS2, loved it and especially its BC to PS, because man were there some sweet games.
Decided I hated the PS2 because it started breaking on me :cry:.
I disliked Nintendo during the Gamecube era because of the kiddie games and for only having SSBM. Of course, then I played Metroid Prime, followed by RE4 on a friend's GC.
Always thought the Dreamcast was a waste of money, even though it was the coolest system, even when it was actually doing well and we were playing nonstop Soul Calibur, Chu Chu Rocket, and the Samba game.
I played the PC pretty extensively from when I was 12 to 20, but then my life got somewhat too chaotic, and I didn't have a room dedicated to a computer anywheres, so I gave it up (and still don't really have space. Someday, I will come back in force).
When the Genesis came out, I wanted it more than anything, but my dad asked me if I really did (because I had my own money), and I gave it a thought, and just bought a SNES when it came out instead, and I was happy about that (especially as I won a Genesis later on from a grocery story).
And, I never thought the Xbox was much to speak of, as all it had were Halo, a few western RPGs I didn't even like, and prettier graphics.
Now I own a new PS2 (yay), a Wii (partially due to cheapness and BC), and am awaiting reliability concerns with the 360 to come out in the open in full (whatever they may be), games on the PS3, and most importantly: Price Drops.
I'm really catching up on last gen mostly at this point, as I was too busy partying and schooling and working to play games as much as I'd used to, and as much as I do now. I missed some great games.
Oh - and I owned a GBC, played Dragon Warrior 1+2, and the Pokemon yellow game, then lost it. Didn't even really care, to be honest. The DS is the first handheld I've ever used that actually... felt like it had a purpose. Like, the GB was alright, but, only as a diversion, not as a true gaming machine. The Game Gear was awesome, but trying to play with it not plugged into the wall = :lol:. I didn't even give the GBA a second glance.
Sure, I'm a "fan" of a certain company and I'm a "boy" so that makes me a "fanboy" hahahaha.
Anyway, I think I'm a Sony fanboy more so than the others, but I'm not exactly loyal to one company. Don't own a PSP cause I don't like it's games, so basically...
Nintendo in handhelds, Sony in consoles. But I eventually get most available when the price is good.
[QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"][QUOTE="lafigueroa"]LOL! he still is a hardcore lemming as much as he tries to hide it haha.I remember back in September 2005...when a certain Former sheep turned hardcore Lemming. I mean, this guy was such a lemming, he would swear up and down that Perfect Dark Zero would pwn anything Killzone 2 could offer. Even after the E3 2005 vid.
His username was The_Game21x.
That's only partially true. Oh and by the way, Laf's story is competely false. I didn't even begin posting in SW until Jan of 06 and I've never been a hardcore sheep during the Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 era.
Before I get into my story, let me just get this out in the open. I hated Sony with a passion back then, and I still hold some of my reservations to this day. Before this is misinterpreted, I hate Sony as a company. I don't hate the Playstation brand or its consoles and for the record, this hate came from my experiences with Sony products that didn't have the "Playstation" name on them.
I was a full on Manticore at that point, with my preferred console being the Xbox. I joined the site in January of 2005 and I didn't begin posting until the Summer of 05, mainly posting in the PSP forum (of all forums). As fall approached, I left the forums as a whole for a while. I came back in late October, as the Xbox 360 was nearing release. I posted on the Xbox 360 forum a bit, and after it launched, I hung out around there in the (now) long dead "Official Xbox 360 shipment information" thread. After finally finding my 360, I posted in the Xbox 360 forum a little more, as I was hugely excited about the console.
And then I discovered System Wars.
I entered SW a Manticore. I owned all three previous gen consoles and the 360. I preferred the 360 and Xbox above the others for the same reasons any one else does, because they were the most fun to me at the time. Well, little did I know at the time that ever since E3 05, System Wars was Cow territory and they were relentless in their bashing of the 360. Well naturally, I stepped up to defend the 360 and got into huge wars with the local legends of the time. During this time, due to the tremendous amounts of 360 bashing, I grew to be hugely anti-Cow and made a few harsh remarks about the PS3 on occasion.
This is why I can appear to be a huge lemming now. Cows back then were far more plentiful, a hell of a lot more cocky and never let an oppurtunity to bash the 360 pass them by. Even now, I defend the 360 the most of the three, and still dislike cows for the most part. As of now, since I don't have a PS3, I've dropped my Manti-lemming status, and I'm just a Shemming.
I hope this has clarified a few things about me. I wouldn't say I was evera huge fanboy, but just like everryone else, I had my moments.
I never inserteed the System wars Part. I saw you on other boards. That's where my story comes from.
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