@musicalmac said:
@ferret-gamer: According to the video, despite what you say, the Note 5 WAS the fastest in this particular test. And it beat out other android phones made by other manufacturers.
The 6s, as predicted after its unveiling, is spanking everything else. Badly.
The Note 5 was 2 seconds behind the Iphone in the first lap, but 16 seconds behind in lap 2. That is where Samsung's super aggressive memory management comes into play, the Note 5 had to reload a bunch of the apps that the iphone kept in its memory. The Iphone just had to relaunch already opened programs, while the Note 5 was reloading them.
Samsung's memory management is terrible even compared to other android phones. It's faster in the speed tests because it has the faster 1st lap, but it is waaaaay slower than a bunch of other androids in the second lap. Look at that youtube channel's speed test for the Note 5 vs OP2 vs G4. The Note 5 finished the first lap in 1:02 while the g4 took 1:21. That is a nearly 20 second difference. But look at the overall time for the full test. The Note 5 was 1:37 compared to the G4 getting 1:38. A 1 second difference. This is because the Note 5 took 35 seconds to do the second lap, but the G4 only took 16 seconds. The G4 took less than half the time to do the second lap than the Note 5 did.
That should show you how terrible Samsung's memory management is. The G4 with 3gb of DDR3L ram and way slower processor, was able to do the second lap in less than half the time that the Note 5 with 4gb of DDR4L ram took.
Samsung's memory management has been a known issue for generations. Usually, people will come out with ROMs that fix the problem and have their phones run way faster. Dunno, if people have gotten it fixed with the Note 5 though, i haven't really followed it.
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