I think it is about time you turn iphone and android into one forum called mobile devices and just allow discussion between both like many other forums allow. imprezawrx500
We had that and almost every single topic created was just a debate of Android vs iOS.example topic
TC "My Android device is having trouble, can someone help me?"
Apple Fanboy "Android sucks, you should have purchased an iPhone"
Android Fanboy "No Apple sucks, Android is so much better"
etc...And like usual maybe one or two people would actually help the TC with his/her problem.
Playstation 3, Wii / Wii U, PSP / PSV, Xbox 360, etc. all have their own boards and DO NOT suffer from these issues that the Android and iOS boards are plagued by.
Just direct all cross-platform discussion towards System Wars and the problem is solved.
Personally I think once Windows launches Windows Phone 8 and Windows RT, it should also get its own discussion board.
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