I would just like to say HTC are pissing me off now, They are telling the resellers to advertise how the One X is better than the GS3. Thats just stupid, let people decide base on your products do not force this crap down the resellers throat. mystic_knightWho resellers and will they be paying them for it?
I dont see the problem one has to do aggressive marketing and I dont mind it as long as it doesnt include suing another company lol. We live in a world of ignorant people who dont do any meaningful research and thus the most popular product is not necessarily the best product. The most popular product is alot of the times the result of best marketing.
The one X does have some strengths over S3. A different screen technology that some may prefer, a different UI that some may prefer(although I consider it a weak reason) and offers better low light photography. The one X beats pretty much every phone when it comes to low light photography so a pat on the back for HTC. I also like the pricing of HTC this time around, I always found HTC phones to be over priced not so much this time, they are offering good value for money on the one series as far as unlocked phones go.
Choice is still good thing to have and I think HTC and sony bring good alternatives to the market, one phone can never be perfect.
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