We're gonna have us a good old-fashioned trivia contest!
Here's how it works: I'll ask a question. The first person to give the correct answer gets the point. Then I will ask another question. I get another correct answer, give a point, it goes on like that. The first person to 20 points will be named the NFL Union Trivia Champ and maybe get a special gift. :wink:
This contest is to make sure you know as much as you can about the NFL. I'll ask questions on anything from stats to important events and records to rules.
The Rules: Now, I admit, I am not God. I cannot stop you from going to Google and looking up the information I ask of you. That being said, feel free to Google, go Yahoo, or ask that stupid butler all you want. But please, have some restraint and let those who actually know the answers get the point. If you get a question wrong, you cannot answer again until the next question is asked. Questions will be asked at the top of an hour at different times during the day.
Every so often I'll put up a new question. Here is the first, though it's not really a question:
Name every member of the 2000 Rushing Yard Club(5):
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