Thank you!!!
to everyone who participated in any way, shape, or form. None of this would have been possible without you guys! Hopefully you all think that everything went Ok. It's been a blast!
Now what are you waiting for. Go check out the winners!
And thanks again for the sticky Gabu. You can take it down when ever you feel like it.
Welcome to the 2009 Gamespot Wii Forum Game Awards!
Its that time of the year again when the gaming industry takes a look back at the previous 12 months and picks the best of the best, the tippy top of the tippy top, and separates the greats from anything made by Data Design Interactive.
Now we could just sit back like we do every year and watch the staff members of our favorite gaming sites pick which games are going to receive the game of the year awards. Or, we could rise up, take the power back, and choose, as a community of gamers, which games are going to get the highest of praises. Personally, I say its time to get voting.
How it Works
Now remember, this is the Wii Forum, so this is only for Wii games.
- Below, I'm going to post some categories (Best Sports Game, Best RPG, Best Overall Wii game, etc) with games already in them just to get us all started.
- If you don't agree with something SPEAK UP. Don't think Game A should be in the category its in, say something. If you think that a game that isn't in the list should be in there, say something. Think we need a whole new category, say something, just remember to put some games in there (at least 3) and I'll add it to the list. If enough people don't like what I've done, I'll change it. This is the Wii Forum Community's Awards, not mine. I'll change things according to the community's wishes.
- After we get some of the categories straitened out so that we can all agree on them, I'll begin using the most scientific means available to determine a winner: a Poll. Just a simple poll with the category name followed by the choices in no particular order. But this means that a category can have no more than 5 choices! Remember that when thinking about which games should go into which categories!
- After a certain amount of time, 2 days for genre awards and 4 for the Overall awards, I'll close the poll and the winner will be which ever game has the most votes. Results will then be posted including the number of votes for all games. In the event of a tie we will have a runoff vote for 1 day to determine a winner.
And that's it! A simple, yet elegant way of having our very own awards for our beloved little Nintendo system.
Why are you doing this Arc2012? Aren't there already award shows and such out there?
Of course there are and they do a fine job of picking some great games. But a recent thread about the SpikeTV VGA awards got me a-thinkin'. This year the Wii is going to get overlooked by just about everyone. There were some great games out there on the other systems and they deserve much of the praise they're going to recieve. But that doesn't mean that the Wii had nothing going for it this year. This thread is to, in some small way, show some recognition for the great games out there on the Wii.
Haziqonfire already has a thread about 2009 Wii games with reviews and everything in the Stickies. Why should we have another thread about 2009 games?
Haziq's thread is fantastic and he has been doing a great job with it. But this thread is about you and how you feel about the games of the past year rather than just showing every big game that has come out and its review score.
What are you trying to pull here?
Really, I'm hoping that this thread gets a lot of people to take another look at some great games that they might have missed. Hey, it might even just give you a few ideas of what to ask for for whatever religious holiday you celebrate in the next few months. But its also more than just a glorified recommendation thread. Its about the Wii forum community giving props to their favorite Wii games.
Why did you choose Game X/Category X?
Let me start by saying that nothing in the list below is concrete just yet. It is all subject to change because of your imput. With that in mind, know that I tryed to choose games that were Wii exclusives or had a unique Wii experience over their counterparts on another system (hence, why the highly rated Tiger Woods 10 game is in the Best Overall Game category). I only chose categories in which I could find 5 nominees (but I think we need a minimum of only 3). For example, I could have included "Best Racing Game" but I could really only find 2 nominees for it. Don't let any of this stop you though, if you can find more racing games, or more games of any other category that I don't have up there, post it and I'll probably add it to the list.
>>>Where is Crystal Bearers?!?
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: the Crystal Bearers has a release date of 12/26/09 in NA. So, we have some problems. 1. I hope that most of the voting will be done by then. 2. Although some people are trying to nominate it, they are trying to put it in different category. Action, RPG, Adventure? This is really only a part of the fact that No One Has Played It Yet. Is it really fair to nominate a game for any category judging only from screenshots and videos? I think not. Sorry, guys, but until someone has a really really good reason otherwise, this is one area where I won't budge.
Its my hope that a lot of people participate in this thread, not just in the voting, but in the creation of categories and the placing of games. Also, I think that it will be a bit of fun and pretty interesting.
And now... the nominees are...
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