*** Updated March 14, 2009 ***
Added some videos of fan made Metroid games that utilize mouse aiming. This will give you an idea of how it could work with Wii controls:
Project Dread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJYd8O6Kj9M&fmt=18
Metroid Bounty - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35BRVCyIInI&feature=related
Metroid Subzero - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow2K1PK_5ik&feature=related
NOTICE: When I say 2-D game play, I mean how the game is played, not it's graphics!
People tend to boo at the thought of 2-D gameplay on the Wii. Well, SSBB is 2-D game play and it's fun, so saying that 2-D only belongs on handhelds these days is simply being short-sighted. Heck, even most of Super Paper Mario was played in 2-D game play. From the looks of it, there are plenty of 2-D games coming the the Wii via Wiiware, too, so I say 2-D game play isn't dead!
First, think about Super Metroid in all its glory. With the Prime trilogy finished, I think it's time Nintendo revived the epicness of Metroid in it's original game play **** And here's how:
First off, the gaphics would be current gen stuff. Nice 3-D textures and models of course. Here's an example of what Super Metroid could look like with updated graphics. I don't know who made this pic, I just got it from another thread.
Next, the controls! With the Wii's controls, you can have the nunchaku to run around with using the analog stick and the two buttons for jump/grapple, or whatever you map to them in the options. The wiimote could control a cursor on the screen and wherever the cursor is on the screen, Samus will be aiming at it. I'm sure there are plenty of examples of this kind of aiming mechanism out there, but here's one to give you an example: http://portal.wecreatestuff.com/portal.php It's a flash version of the game Portal (and pretty fun). Notice how the aiming works with your mouse. Now imagine if Super Metroid had the same kind of aiming using the wiimote. Now you're starting to get the idea of how a new Metroid with 2-D game play could work out. You could run in any direction, while aiming and shooting in any other direction. Check out Metroid: Bounty, which is a fan made Metroid game that uses mouse aiming! A perfect example of what I'm talking about, plus an awesome fan made game!
Music! Metroid and Super Metroid music was good, imo. We don't need to reinvent the wheel here. Jsut take old tracks, redo them to get them updated (like how they used the Brinstar music from Super Metroid in Metroid Prime 2) and slam 'em in there. THis will really bring back nostalgic memories for old school Metroid fans while providing a fresh updated soundtrack worht of current gen games.
But what about content? Sure, 2-D worlds are fun to explore and fight in, but they usually aren't big enough to provide enough content for modern console games. Make the worlds bigger? Sure, but not too big. Metroid games have a lot of running back and forth in them (get a new item late in the game that allows you to access secret areas that you found early in the game), so we don't want the world to be so big that people pull their hair out from all the running.
FMV cut-scenes could add some nice content. High res clips of bosses making their entrance before the fight and the like. Could be cool.
Unlockables could work. MP3's (songs from all the games, perhaps even redone arrangements) that can be saved to your SD card, pics of concept art, etc.
Online content! Yes, I said online content. Remember back in the glory days of Metroid gaming when it was all about percentiles and speed runs? They could have leader boards to display these scores and rank each player's score.
If they really got fancy they could even add in online play. Co-op levels where 2 players have to "solve" the puzzles of an area to open up a boss fight and defeat him. The scores from these "quick games" (not part of the story line) could go up on the leader boards, too. Heck, they could even do some PvP matches, too... not so much about just killing each other, but about trying to solve puzzles before the other guy does, all while defending yourself from the opponent and monsters. Perhaps even races could take place online, where both players scramble to escape a self destructing ship or something. All of these scores could go up on the leader boards.
I'm just tossing ideas out there. Feel free to add your own!
I don't want to see 2-D game play disregarded as inferior. If we can crank up the graphics, update the controls, dish out a good sound track, and have them all play out in a fresh new story driven world and offer good replay value, then I think it would be very successful. :)
And to all those who think 2-D game play should stick to handhelds, you have to pause and realize that SSBB is a 2-D game play game. Many of the announced Wiiware titles are 2-D game play. 2-D for hand helds only? I think that's just being short-sighted.
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