There seems to be a distinction (generally) between players of the 2D metroid games(made by first party team) and the metroid prime series. Its very well that brooklynboy doesnt think that a 2.5D game would sell very well, but that in no way is right of course, you could get a super metroid fanatic on here saying the exact opposite.
I think the idea of a 2.5D Metroid is excellent...only in the way i imagine it however... A subtle yet drastic change would be a z axis to the map, that there would be tunnels were u would turn into/out of the screen so to speak, where the camera would change 90 degrees to allow for side scrolling platforming. This alone with polygonal graphics would set it apart from the rest of the 2D series, but of course if such a game was realised there would be many more features allowing for diversity.
I personally am a fan of the in-house nintendo games (2D). But now that there is two different audiences of metroid fans, it is necessary to satisfy both. In which case there is no problem with creating another third person shooter metroid, just in the same way there isnt with 2D games. In support of the 2D games, Super Metroid or Return of Samus have both definately fought for most challenging, engaging Metroid game yet, although arguably the most engaging of most games of that era. However, the Metroid Prime series did offer something exclusive in the 1st person genre. The problem with the Metroid Prime series i encountered most was the loss of adventure, but perhaps to others this was accomplished. I also dislike the fact that alot of Metroid fans nowadays will follow the Prime series over the original series, which caused alot of emphasis of Prime features to be included in the newest release of Smash Bros.. Example, Ridley; In no way would inhouse developers allow for a robotic ridley to prequel a purely organic form. In my opinion the Prime series should have excluded all original metroid characters(with exception of samus) which would allow for a more conclusive storyline, rather than what we are left with, which i am sure to some do not feel authentic in a way.
I do think there is a market for a continuation of 1st person shooter metroid games, just as much as there is with 2D metroid games. The amount of opposition that prime series has dealt with shows that. With the additional features i mentioned for a 2D game, the unused memory should go into creating an extremely vast map, and a multiplayer mode, where a co-up format would be realised with each member of the team encountering different upgrades, therefore allowing for greater fore-thinking and co-operation.
All in all, i think the problem is that the Prime series is made by Retro, wereby the 2D games are made by nintendo themselves, following more closely to the original metroid games. Lets be honest, theres millions of ppl who would gladly play a gameswith super metroids gameplay with more maps to encounter and explore.
On another note, I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that some ppl think that ridley was too big for SSBB. Firstly, these ppl are definately metroid prime series fans, where ridley is not realised in its true form and is huge, where they would like to see omega ridley or something. First of all, most levels from metroid are form the original Metroid!showing that nintendo obviously hold their inhouse games closest. So ridley would be of similiar descent, where he isnt so big!. Secondy, they are game designers, they could quite easily do it. If he was in it, do u really think he would be completely outstretched showing his complete length with his tail outstretched and tongue hanging out?! No! the least they would do would be to turn him sideways or something hiding his length with his wings folded (which arent that big anyway!), so that his body would be facing the screen or something, make him sidehop like a bird. Its their job u know, they could turn him into a pc fairly well. The reason they didnt would be maybe cos of time, i.e. choosing charizard over him with little time cos pokemon trainer has alot more originality.Which is fair enough, the rooster is fine even if a little metroid under-appreciative.
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