I read somewhere that the beams of MP3:Corruption isn't going to be the usual (4 beams that you can switch between when you like). It's going to be more like Super Metroid. You will be able to combine different "beams" or different "infinite ammos" with the Power beam, or something like that.
Ever since MP3:C was first announced, I thought about the beams. Ok, the first game had Power, Wave, Ice and Plasma beam. The second game had Power, Dark, Light and an "Annihilator" beam. What's left for MP3?, I thought. If what I read is true, then I guess my beam problem is solved. It would be very cool if you could combine beams like you could in Super Metroid, in my opinion.
So, the question is: Can anyone confirm that this is true? Have Retro-Studios said this themselves, or is it a rumour?
Wow.. this is probably the nerdiest thread I have ever made..
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