there is dragon blade in a month, which im looking forward to and am hoping is a good game. but i havent beaten mp1 or 2 yet (im halfway done with 1) and i dont know if there is anything else to look forward to. please dont turn this into a "nintendo has forgotten hardcore gamers" threadbecause i already know that
By the time you get through the entire Prime trilogy and Dragon Blade, Galaxy should be but a few weeks away. anyway people have to stop with these topics, its called a game list they have one on every gaming website. Also a good game is a matter of opinion, no one knows what kind of games you like.
Bleach: Shattered Blade (fighting game) in October, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn and Super Mario Galaxy in November. No, they have not forgotten the hardcore gamers. Also Endless Ocean, I think that's the name, looks promising. It comes out sometime this year.
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