[QUOTE="dalamar03"] I couldn't wait for the virtual console, it was (imo) going to be the coolest thing about the Wii. Now that i've had the Wii since launch...all I'm seeing is release after release of games I already own on compilation discs on ps2 etc. Why would I spend $5-$10 on a single game when I can buy 20-30 games on the collection discs for $20?
 I just don't get why they keep releasing games that have already been re-released in the past few years. So far the only standouts to me are Starfox, Castlevania, Punch Out and Mario Kart 64. There's obviously a few more goodies in there but come on already! Where's Metroid/Super Metroid, Demons Crest, Blackthorne, Rock and Roll Racing, R.C. Pro Am, Killer Instinct, Truxton, Legendary Axe, Shadowrun etc.? The list is absolutely endless and they keep releasing 1-3 games a week that blow...how many of you bought Romance of the III Kingdoms 900 a few wks back? That's what I thought.
 With the number of games on all of those systems, I just don't understand why they're releasing so many turds when they literally have 1000's of titles they could release. I dunno, end rant I guess, but Ninty is really starting to annoy me. :evil:
That's a great point. Nintendo should be phoning you up personally, finding out what games YOU want released on VC and then doing what you want. After all, what is the point in even having VC as an option if every single Wii owner isn't buying every single game that comes out for VC?
 Yea, they should. I'm the consumer, what makes me happy is what makes them more money and I'm not happy...any more failed attempts at wiseassery? >.> I'm saying they have THOUSANDS of titles between how many systems...5? They release 1-3 or so a week, mostly that blow. How long do 1/2 of you defending Nintendo releasing crap and small amounts of it, think the Wii's life is going to be? If they continue releasing at the rate they are now...they might have half the games out (if that) for those consoles by 2239.
 Half the games from the Genesis collection and the Capcom Classics games are on the VC, and those 2 compilations are not THAT old. So basically take away all the games that are on the collection discs and whatever is left is how many games I feel they actually released for the VC since November and that's sad. I don't think all Wii owners were sitting home since the SNES w/out a console just waiting for Wii. Plenty of people, I would assume had access to buying these compilations and for MUCH cheaper than VC.
 It just annoys me how many games they have accesible and are I'm sure more than capable of releasing and still making a hefty profit on. Yet they release games that have been re-released 100x now or games that like 1 homeless guy in Quebec remembers seeing in a window at K-mart when he was 5 9and he remembered it sucking). So far I'm more than impressed with the Wii games themselves (even Excite Truck is fun), but the VC? Noway, gonna take a hell of alot more convincing before I go out and by any more points.
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