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I haven't done it, but it's really hard! Good luck.clark3y
i thought it was pretty easy. well not all of it.
If it's the place I'm thinking of. There should be only 1 claw guy. He moves fast though and can get in front of you easily because the people out side of the cage guide him.
Use whatever you need to bust open the lock and get out ASAP. (A grenade has the added bonus of clearing the exit of baddies, but takes a bit longer depending on your accuracy). Once you get outside, take out the guys outside, then take out the claw fella well he's stuck in the cage.
If it's the later part in the game with the long hallway (after the tower with all the gears in it), don't go up the first steps because that brings other enemies running. instead use the rifle to take out one of the regular guys. the two clawed fellows and one normal monk should come on down now. Walk at all times, take out the monk first, then just take your time and avoid the claws. You should be able to avoid them finding you and take pot shots at their back then move out of the way and repeat.
P.S. once you get ashley back the first time (after the bit where you play as her) you can get a magnum for free with a bit of backtracking. Take a look at the map and it should be obvious where you need to go. Don't waste the money on something the game feels is important enough to give to you.
you need ashley to get it. Once you get her back, backtrack through the cage area and go to the left to little storage room (I've seen one of those invisble bugs in here before, but I think if you clear them all out when you go through the sewers they don't show up) go through there and you're basically right before the hedge maze. Go towards the maze and when you get to the locked door by the fountain analyze the door and it will say it's locked and you might be able to get through with two people. Then piggyback ashley through the opening up top and she'll unlock the door from the inside.
There are 3 little chests with some items to sell and some health or something, but there is a big chest (the real reason to make the trip) which has a free Broken Butterfly in it.
If you bought the castle treasure map, it should help you navigate. The room has a star in it and since it's impossible that you were in it on the first time through, it will be red.
It won't help get past the cage (I blew off the lock with the TMP) but it should help on some of the tougher enemies later (I used pretty much all my magnum bullets on "IT" and used a 'nade/knife combo for Krauser. The final show down with Saddler was overcome with the magnum bullets I had left, the cranes, shotgun, and 'nades. That part is kind of harder to explain in detail...
Anyway! Good luck!
Is it easy with the Chicago Typewritter and Infinite Rocket Launchernintendo_fan675
That would be a resounding yes...
It changes the gameplay around significantly and turns the 20+ hour survival horror title into a 5+ hour blood bath. It's fun for what it is, but it changes the game and takes a big edge off. It's entertaining and if you've already beaten the game and just want to run around laying waste to zombies it's a nice change of pace. Most people will probably have to spend some time gathering the cash to buy these though so you'll probably end up doing at least a partial 2nd run before you grab these goodies.
I'm trying it now because I really want the PLR thing, im having a bit of trouble on it im on chapter 3-2 and I've died about 9 or 10 times and I'm getting worried becasue that part when your trap in the cage with those two guys with claws I don't now how the hell I'm going to beat it.pop1233
Probably isn't the best way, but it always works for me. Be sure to have a Mine Thrower or a hand grenade. I'm sure you've seen the cutscene a million times, so just skip it. It buys you one or two seconds. now shoot a mine or throw a grenade at one of the locks and run out. Run to the door that still has a fat lock on it. Stand close enough so that the Wolverine Guy will try to confront you where the locked door is, but don''t stand so close that his claws will kill you. Once you find a good position, kill all the monks.Once you've killed them all, concentrate on the Wolverine guy. I usually shoot him with a hand gun to get his attention, let him run by me, and then shoot him withmy most powerful weapon (usually the semi-auto). If he somehow gets out of the cage, get as far away as possible, and then just do the above. You should make it out alive.
I can't wait for the part where your Ashley, since shes wearing the armor suit she can't get hurt it'll be so easypop1233
You're wearing the Mafia Suit?
FYI people the game has true adaptive difficulty that takes into effeect how well you are doing. Do well and you will see far more enemy spawns in the next area. Do poorly and continue instead of load or reset you will find the enemies will get weaker and have lower numbers.
The cage fight for instance after a number of deaths while continuing the claw guy will no longer drop in.
FYI people the game has true adaptive difficulty that takes into effeect how well you are doing. Do well and you will see far more enemy spawns in the next area. Do poorly and continue instead of load or reset you will find the enemies will get weaker and have lower numbers.
The cage fight for instance after a number of deaths while continuing the claw guy will no longer drop in.
So your suggestion is that he die and continue until the guy isn't there?
Also, I think I do pretty well and have gotten to that particular part on pro with one death total and there was still only 1 of the claw guys. I know that it scales, but it isn't good counsel to just tell him to suck so much that they push him through.
[QUOTE="pop1233"]I can't wait for the part where your Ashley, since shes wearing the armor suit she can't get hurt it'll be so easyWiifanboy_4life
You're wearing the Mafia Suit?
Ya its so sick especially with the CT for some reason the ammo cartridge became round
[QUOTE="Wiifanboy_4life"][QUOTE="pop1233"]I can't wait for the part where your Ashley, since shes wearing the armor suit she can't get hurt it'll be so easypop1233
You're wearing the Mafia Suit?
Ya its so sick especially with the CT for some reason the ammo cartridge became round
It's always like that isn't it? Have you seen what happens when you reload the CT in the Mafia Suit? Have you seen what happens when you do it four times in a row?
[QUOTE="Wiifanboy_4life"][QUOTE="pop1233"]I can't wait for the part where your Ashley, since shes wearing the armor suit she can't get hurt it'll be so easypop1233
You're wearing the Mafia Suit?
Ya its so sick especially with the CT for some reason the ammo cartridge became round
So this isn't your firstplaythrough on pro?
I think I'm doing pretty good I have the Red9 (which I have to say is better then the BlackTail) the shotgun and the rifle there all pretty far upgraded so far its working good for me i'm thinking of buying the magnum for the bosses.pop1233
Im not sure how far away you are from it but there is a part where you back trake a little and get a free Broken Butterfly. Best magnum in the game at its exclusive.
[QUOTE="pop1233"]I think I'm doing pretty good I have the Red9 (which I have to say is better then the BlackTail) the shotgun and the rifle there all pretty far upgraded so far its working good for me i'm thinking of buying the magnum for the bosses.RyanShazam
Im not sure how far away you are from it but there is a part where you back trake a little and get a free Broken Butterfly. Best magnum in the game at its exclusive.
*cough* Handcannon *cough*
[QUOTE="RyanShazam"][QUOTE="pop1233"]I think I'm doing pretty good I have the Red9 (which I have to say is better then the BlackTail) the shotgun and the rifle there all pretty far upgraded so far its working good for me i'm thinking of buying the magnum for the bosses.Morgario
Im not sure how far away you are from it but there is a part where you back trake a little and get a free Broken Butterfly. Best magnum in the game at its exclusive.
*cough* Handcannon *cough*
^^What he said. It's VERY HARD to unlock, seeing as you have to get 60000 points on all levels with all characters on Mercenaries. But yes it is the best Magnum. 99.9 firepower and --- capacity. It's only downfall is it's firing speed, but if you managed to get it you probably won't hava hard time getting around that.
[QUOTE="pop1233"][QUOTE="Wiifanboy_4life"][QUOTE="pop1233"]I can't wait for the part where your Ashley, since shes wearing the armor suit she can't get hurt it'll be so easyMorgario
You're wearing the Mafia Suit?
Ya its so sick especially with the CT for some reason the ammo cartridge became round
It's always like that isn't it? Have you seen what happens when you reload the CT in the Mafia Suit? Have you seen what happens when you do it four times in a row?
I'm pretty sure that its not like that when your not wearing the mafia suit. And I've never tried reloading it what happens?The first three times Leon just tips his hat, but the fourth time he throws his hat at up, catches it, and strikes a pose. And you're right, if you aren't wearing the Mafia Suit, the Chicago Typewriter doesn't have the round thingy, just a square cartridge.
[QUOTE="Morgario"][QUOTE="RyanShazam"][QUOTE="pop1233"]I think I'm doing pretty good I have the Red9 (which I have to say is better then the BlackTail) the shotgun and the rifle there all pretty far upgraded so far its working good for me i'm thinking of buying the magnum for the bosses.Wiifanboy_4life
Im not sure how far away you are from it but there is a part where you back trake a little and get a free Broken Butterfly. Best magnum in the game at its exclusive.
*cough* Handcannon *cough*
^^What he said. It's VERY HARD to unlock, seeing as you have to get 60000 points on all levels with all characters on Mercenaries. But yes it is the best Magnum. 99.9 firepower and --- capacity. It's only downfall is it's firing speed, but if you managed to get it you probably won't hava hard time getting around that.
Ok yes there is a handcannon. Ive never got it. But the exclusive Broken Butterfly is a gun he will have an easy time getting for now.
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